2nd International Seminar on Drought and Agriculture "Counting crops and drops: let’s grow the future together"

A celebration of the World Day to combat Desertification and Drought - #2019WDCD
17 June, 2019, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
FAO, in collaboration with the Government of the Netherlands, organized the 2nd International Seminar on Drought and Agriculture “Counting crops and drops: let’s grow the future together”.
The seminar presented and discussed tools, policies and best practices to support countries and farmers to be better prepared and resilient to drought. It showcased how water resources assessment and monitoring, through the use of novel technologies, can reduce the vulnerability of rural communities.
The event aimed at representatives from governments, international organizations, NGOs, academic and research institutes, and the private sector.
Objectives of the seminar:
- Showcase and share knowledge on novel technologies and best practices to increase farmers resilience to drought.
- Promote multi-stakeholder partnership and capacity building for integrated management practices for both drought preparedness and addressing land degradation in agriculture.
- Promote enabling environments to support accessibility of farmers to actionable information for improved resilience and sustainability.
- Demonstrate WaPOR, FAO’s portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open-access of Remotely sensed derived data.
Interpretation in English, French, Spanish and Arabic were provided.