Land & Water


The Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days are being convened on 31 March-4 April 2019 in Cairo, to review the progress made in addressing water scarcity in the region, foster exchange of knowledge and experience among countries and partners and chart the way forward taking into account...
New publication intended to assist countries in the assessment of water stress
At a dedicated event at FAO Headquarters today, the FAO Land and Water Division launched new Guidelines for a minimum methodological standard for global reporting on how to incorporate environmental flows into SDG “water stress” indicator 6.4.2. The guidelines intend to assist countries in the assessment on water...
Link to article on Food production around the world must rise by half in the next 30 years to sustain a global population expected to top 10 billion by 2050. Compared with 2010, an extra 7,400tn calories will be needed a year in 2050. If food production increases along current lines,...
Under the patronage of Cabo Verde, in collaboration with Italy and FAO, WASAG announces its 1st  International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture to be held in Praia, Cabo Verde from 19 to 22 March 2019, to coincide with the celebrations of the World Water Day 2019 which this year...
FAO Side event at COP24 in Katowice looks into NBS via land, soil and water management
Agriculture influences and shapes the world’s ecosystems, but not always in a positive way. More than 2.5 billion people are globally involved as stewards of land and water ecosystems that constitute the natural resource base for feeding the current and future world population. Yet, conventional agronomic interventions based on ‘hard’...
FAO, IFAD and national governments are supporting family farmers from West and Central Africa to adapt small-scale irrigation systems to climate change to be more resilient. A survey was carried out among 691 households in 21 sites in this region, to assess how farmers are coping with climate change.
Land and other natural resources in many developing countries remain a fundamental part of people’s cultural identity, social relations, livelihood strategies and economic well-being. However, great setbacks are still experienced in terms of tenure security, natural resources governance and territorial/landscape development because of existing inequality between men and women in...
Few countries have the natural and financial resources to further enhance water supplies for human use. The alternative is to use the available resources more efficiently. The global indicator on water-use efficiency tracks to what extent a country’s economic growth is dependent on the use of water resources, and enables...
A concrete set of evidence-based recommendations and tools to prioritize and plan water interventions to support smallholder farmers was presented by FAO during the final project workshop “More effective and sustainable investments in water for poverty reduction in Africa” held at headquarters from 28 until 29 June. The project used an...
FAO is one of 32 members of UN-Water, a mechanism which coordinates the efforts of UN entities and international organizations working on water and sanitation issues. In August 2018, FAO Land and Water Division Deputy Director Olcay Ünver was appointed Vice-Chair of UN-Water. In this interview he explains what he...