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World Food Day Ceremony

Government leaders and key global players in the drive to achieve healthy diets and Zero Hunger will be joined by the UN Rome-based Agency Heads at the global World Food Day ceremony held at FAO headquarters in Rome on 16 October.


Government leaders and key global players in the drive to achieve healthy diets and Zero Hunger will be joined by the UN Rome-based Agency Heads at the global World Food Day ceremony held at FAO headquarters in Rome on 16 October. The ceremony will be followed by a lecture with Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs on food, agriculture and sustainable development. World Food Week will coincide with the 46th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). Other events held at FAO headquarters will include the launch of FAO’s State of Food and Agriculture in the World report on 14 October and the inauguration of the exhibit "The market for a Zero Hunger world".

The Director-General will address staff during the inauguration of the exhibit, which also marks FAO’s 74th Anniversary.

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