FAO Members Gateway


Celebrated in over 150 countries around the world, this year’s edition of World Food Day marked the 75th anniversary of the foundation of FAO. With the theme “Grow, nourish, sustain. Together. Our actions are our future”, #WorldFoodDay engaged audiences across borders, sectors and...
To celebrate FAO’s 75th anniversary, a new publication chronicles the history of the Organization and shares its vision for the future. FAO at 75 – Grow, nourish, sustain. Together provides a snapshot of FAO’s achievements and aspirations seen through the lens of three...
Help shape FAO’s digital publishing programme by answering a 5-minute survey on the The State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) and Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA). The survey seeks to gather feedback on the directions we are taking with FAO’s flagship...
World Food Day 2020
04 September 2020
Mark 16 October on your calendar for World Food Day (WFD) 2020! With the theme, “Grow, nourish, sustain. Together. Our Actions are...
To keep up to date on FAO’s most recent publications, sign up to the monthly newsletter produced by the Publications team of the Office of Communications, which provides a selection of key titles, such as FAO’s flagships...