FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

High Level Meeting: Sustaining Peace: Mechanisms Partnerships and the Future of Peacebuilding in Africa



Dear Moderator,


Distinguished Participants,



I thank the organizers for this timely and important meeting on sustaining and expanding the momentum for peacebuilding in Africa and the panellists for their inspiring presentations.


FAO fully recognizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to sustaining peace, particularly through the prevention of conflict and addressing its root causes at the international and national levels.


Food security is also an important element for peace. This was well acknowledged during the recent UN Security Council Arria Formula meeting on food security, nutrition and peace organized here at the UN by Angola and Spain.  On this occasion, FAO articulated the dynamics of the close interplay between food security, nutrition and peace and highlighted actions to promote food security can help prevent a crisis, mitigate its impacts and promote post-crisis recovery and healing.


Within this context, and also thanks to the Peace Building Fund, FAO’s work in the field is addressing root causes or drivers of conflict, including poverty, unemployment, and scarcity of natural resources. Together with partners, FAO is highly committed to the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa. Improved food security, rehabilitation of agriculture, and building resilience, especially of women and children, are critical components in supporting prevention efforts and development.


We also believe that partnerships are an essential element in this process. FAO is a proven partner of the African Union and has been active in initiatives such as CAADP and NEPAD in a programme on enhancing employment opportunities for rural youth.


Yesterday, during the High-level Thematic Debate on Peace and Security, in a real time connection with FAO in Rome, our Director General and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus presented the recently launched initiative between FAO and four Nobel Peace Laureates who joined forces to tackle the twin problems of hunger and violence. The distinguished Laureates will serve as a brain trust that will advise FAO and partners on ways to strengthen the link between peace and food security to promote sustainable development and resilience across the world.


FAO stands ready to work with all of you on this noble agenda to sustain and expand the momentum for peacebuilding in Africa.  


Thank you,