FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Mountain Focus Group


Talking Points




In a world struggling with scarcer resources, growing population and the consequences of climate change, mountains can contribute to a more sustainable future, if given adequate attention by world leaders and policy makers. 


Why focus on mountains?

►300 million vulnerable people
►Early indicators of climate change
►25% of earth’s surface
►60-80% of freshwater
►>25% of world biodiversity

Mountains must be included in the post-2015 development agenda


•Mountain people and environments are under threat
•Climate change is heavily affecting mountains


•Mountains provide solutions for social progress and the environment
•Specific strategies and policies required to achieve  their development 
Mountain Partnership, a UN alliance
•218 members, of which 52 are governments
•MP Secretariat hosted by FAO and funded by Italy and Switzerland
Opportunities and Challenges in the SDG process
•Governments and Major Groups should advocate strongly during all the relevant OWGs to include mountains in the SDGs

•Goals and targets must be set to ensure that mountain ecosystems can sustain the prosperity of present and future generations 
Next steps for government
•Governments to request a SDG on Mountains
•Concerted efforts to include a Mountain paragraph in other topics (Water, CC, Biodiversity, Forests, Energy etc)
•Ensure that technical language is considered by the OWGs  thru policy briefs and key messages
•Discussion on targets and indicators
Next steps for major groups

Organizations can sign in at: http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/account.php?menu=1457 

•Participate in the open sessions of the OWG
•By sending mountain-specific messages

Individuals can write to their Ministry of Foreign Affairs asking for an SDG on mountains  


Thank you.