FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Reception to Commemorate the Adoption of World Bee Day



Reception to Commemorate the Adoption of

World Bee Day

20 December 2017, UNHQ

Remarks by Ms. Marianna Kovacs, Senior Liaison Officer,

FAO Liaison Office to the United Nations



Thank you Ambassador Darja Bavdaž Kuret.

Your Excellency, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture of Slovenia, Dejan Židan,

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and gentlemen,


Let me start by welcoming the adoption of the General Assembly resolution to designate 20 May as World Bee Day, and expressing appreciation for the Government of Slovenia and its Permanent Mission for the longstanding leadership in promoting apiculture as an important contributor to food security.


FAO is proud to have supported this process, which formally started in May 2016 when Slovenia presented this proposal at the FAO Regional Conference for Europe. The proposal was then discussed at the FAO Committee on Agriculture, and at the FAO Conference in July 2017, where Member States asked the General Assembly to consider proclaiming May 20 as World Bee Day. And this has happened today.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


For centuries, bees have labored the world’s fields and much of our crop yields depend on the tireless work of them. Still, bees do not receive much recognition for their contributions to food production and to a balanced ecosystem.


Despite their critical role, bees are exposed to numerous ongoing threats, including pesticide use, monoculture and climate change, which results in declining number of bees and other pollinators and the fact that some species are being driven towards extinction.


Their absence could remove a variety of nutritious foods from our diets, including potatoes, pepper, coffee, pumpkins, carrots, apples, almonds, tomatoes, just to name a few. In short, without bees, we just cannot achieve a world without hunger.


It is for this reason that the declaration of World Bee Day is so significant — it will give these tiny helpers much-needed recognition and boost awareness of the need to protect them.


It is hoped that World Bee Day will prompt all countries to adopt "pollinator-friendly" approaches towards farming and allow the public to learn about the important roles of bees and other pollinators as they make consumption choices.


Thank you for your attention, and once again, let me thank the Government of Slovenia for leading this cause.