United Nations General Assembly Global stocktaking marking the completion of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All to further accelerate the implementation of SDG 7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Ms. Halka Otto, Senior Liaison Officer, FAO Liaison Office in New York
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Energy is needed at every stage of agrifood systems. Producing the world’s food and getting it from farm to fork comprises about 30% of all energy consumed, and over a third of GHG emissions from agrifood systems are the result of energy use. Decarbonization by mid-century is simply not possible without considering energy used in agrifood systems.
Our agrifood systems need to be transformed to make them more efficient, sustainable and resilient, with a view to be able to feed a global population of almost 10 billion by 2050 while not exceeding the 1.5 degrees threshold of global warming.
This is why for FAO climate change, energy and food security are inseparable, and agrifood systems solutions are climate solutions.
A radical transformation in how food is produced, processed, traded and consumed is required. Energy-smart agrifood systems can be key solutions to the food and climate crises through three main avenues:
First, the tripling of renewable energy investments needed must include substantial increase in renewable and sustainable energy in agrifood systems. To facilitate acceleration on access to electricity and clean cooking it is key that these objectives are integrated and prioritized more within national policies and NDCs, as a means to also mobilize resources accordingly.
Second, is helping farmers improve productivity and reduce food loss and waste through improved farming and post-harvest practices including sustainable bioenergy, as well as through renewable energy technologies for cold chains.
Third is the just energy transition in the agrifood sector that FAO believes will accelerate SDG7 achievement, by helping agrifood system actors adapt to climate change, improve productivity, support job creation, gender equality, local and rural development, as well as to reduce hunger and poverty.
A more central focus on energy smart agrifood systems is needed and FAO stands ready to support this work with inputs, analysis and solutions.