THE ROAD AHEAD FAO and the Millennium Development Goals
A high-level advisory committee set up to help FAO respond more effectively to the challenge of meeting the MDGs by 2015 met at FAO Headquarters, in Rome, on 7-8 September 2006. Chairperson Prof. Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, regretted that little progress has been made to reduce chronic malnutrition and extreme poverty in the world.(FAO Photo: Dr. Swaminathan)

Sub-Saharan Africa and South-Asia are the two major hunger hot spots in the world, stated Dr. Swaminathan in FAO this week:
1min. 40sec.

Agriculture to be a priority, says Swaminathan.
1min. 41sec.
Sujet(s): Sécurité alimentaire, Sommet mondial de l'alimentation
Produit par: Charlotte Windle/Liliane Kambirigi
Référence: 8632