Podcast: Objectif Faim Zéro

Objectif Faim Zéro: Chaque podcast met en lumière des questions liées à l’agriculture, l’alimentation, la pêche ou la sécurité alimentaire. Avec l’aide de nos agents sur le terrain, nous donnons la parole aux agriculteurs, aux communautés, aux bénéficiaires. | Disponible sur SoundcloudSpotify, iTunes et Stitcher.

In today's episode, we focus on the role of youth in building the agriculture and food systems of the future. Why is involving youth in agriculture so important now and [...]
In last week's episode, we explored the nature of sustainable food production and how food factors into the UN's new Sustainable Development Goal. This week we look at the role that [...]
In the coming weeks, FAO Radio is rolling out a four-part miniseries on agriculture and sustainability. We'll be exploring why food issues are at the centre of development in the [...]
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