Miniseries on sustainability: Social protection and the fight to end rural poverty 2/4

In last week's episode, we explored the nature of sustainable food production and how food factors into the UN's new Sustainable Development Goal. This week we look at the role that social assistance programs play in reducing poverty and vulnerability in rural areas and in increasing agricultural productivity to create virtuous cycles of prosperity. 

Countries around the world have for decades experimented with various ways to bring their citizens out of poverty and prevent them from slipping into poverty by making them more resilient to crises. At the same time, these social protection programs -- ranging from social insurance to social assistance and work programs -- can help people become more productive and build their assets, which has benefits for their communities, too. 

This episode features stories from Ghana and Brazil that shed a light on the role of cash transfer programs and school feeding programs in increasing nutrition and breaking cycles of rural poverty. And regional experts explain how social protection programs should be structured to help governments achieve overcome larger development challenges.

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Click here for a transcript of this week's episode.

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