Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries for Global Food and Nutrition Security
Hybrid Event, 20/10/2021

OCT, 20 at 07:30-09:00 AM | REGISTER
Join us for a high-level discussion co-hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Alliance to End Hunger to learn about the actions needed to promote more sustainable aquaculture and fisheries for improved global food and nutrition security featuring the 2021 World Food Prize laureate.
Keynote address
Dr. Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, 2021 World Food Prize Laureate, Global Lead for Nutrition and Public Health, World Fish
Opening Remarks
Eric P. Mitchell, Executive Director, Alliance to End Hunger
Special Remarks
Barbara Stinson, President, the World Food Prize Foundation
Manuel Barange, Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, FAO
Paul Doremus Ph.D., Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries (NOAA)
Andrew McMaster, Assistant Director, Global Trade and Market Access Bureau, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada
Ken Paul Lead Researcher and Negotiator of Fisheries for the Wolastoquey First Nation
Jocelyn Brown Hall, Director, FAO’s Liaison Office for North America