FAO Liaison Office for North America

UN Food Systems Pre-Summit: Highlights from Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement


29 July 2021 - An Indigenous Peoples delegation of nine representatives was present in person for the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit that was held in Rome from 26-28 July 2021. The pre-summit brought together youth, farmers, civil society, researchers, private sector, country delegations, and policymakers, for three days of conversation in preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit. The UN Food Systems Summit is scheduled to take place alongside the UN General Assembly in New York City this September.

The Indigenous delegates explained that Indigenous Peoples’ food systems are themselves a game-changing solution, in the plenary and affiliated session on topics such as Universal Food Access as a basis for Community Supported Agriculture and Racial Equity, Building Resilience to Vulnerabilities, an affiliated session on the White/Wiphala paper, and many others.

Global Indigenous leaders emphasized Indigenous Peoples want to support and contribute to the Summit process to transform food systems. As knowledge holders and stewards of biodiversity, Indigenous Peoples have much to offer the world on how to sustainably, equitably generate nutritious food while enhancing ecological health.  The changes that are needed cannot happen without Indigenous Peoples, they are central to this conversation and actions needed going forward.

Furthermore, Indigenous leaders underscored they need their collective rights upheld and to be allowed the resources, finances, and support to continue their ways of life and develop Indigenous solutions to sustainably generate and produce food. Moving towards the Summit, the Indigenous Peoples delegation delivered three specific asks: formation of a coalition on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems as game changers, inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and full transparency within the decision-making process, and that the recommendations put forward by Indigenous Peoples remain on the table.

FAO North America has played an important role in supporting preparation towards the Summit and Pre-Summit by co-convening dialogues with Indigenous Peoples of the region. Since December 2020, Indigenous Peoples across North America have been convening dialogues with support of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), the UNFSS Secretariat and Indigenous champions, FAO, IFAD and IWGIA. In total, Indigenous leaders have convened six dialogues for the North American region, including more than 400 participants.

Highlights from North American representatives in the UN Food Systems Pre-summit:

“In Canada, we are finally moving forward in recognizing and channeling Indigenous knowledge in the planning of our food systems. In 2019, we launched our first Canada Food Policy which was informed by extensive consultation with Indigenous Peoples and organizations. The policy directly affirms the unique rights and interests of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Nation and supports Indigenous Peoples’ food systems and their right to self-determination. It also recognizes the historic government policies that disrupted their food systems.” 

- H.E. Ambassador Alexandra Bugailiskis, Embassy of Canada, Chair Group of Friends of Indigenous Peoples Rome

“The denial of the right to food for Indigenous Peoples not only denies us our physical survival, but also denies us our social organization, our cultures, traditions, languages, spirituality, sovereignty, and total identity. We need to be allowed resources, finances, and support to continue our ways of life and develop Indigenous-led solutions for sustainable agriculture.”

- Janene Yazzie, Sustainable Development Program Coordinator and Co-Convenor of the Indigenous People Major Group (IPMG) for Sustainable Development, International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)

For more information on Indigenous Peoples representation at the pre-summit, please find the link to the press release from FAO's Indigenous Peoples Unit here

FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit Press Release for Pre-Summit

FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit Press Release for Wiphala Affiliated Session

FAO North America – Regional Dialogues