
Food-based dietary guidelines - Bangladesh

Official name

Dietary guidelines for Bangladesh.

Publication year

Bangladesh published its dietary guidelines in 2000 and revised them in 2013.

Process and stakeholders

The Bangladesh National Nutrition Council, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, developed the 2000 guidelines. The revision process was conducted by the Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, and received technical support from FAO, the Ministry of Food, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of Bangladesh, and financial support from USAID and the EU. The guidelines were endorsed by the Bangladesh Ministry of Food and Health and Family Welfare.

Intended audience

The guidelines are directed at the general public. The document includes messages for appropriate feeding of children under 2 years of age.

Food guide

Bangladesh uses a food pyramid divided into five levels of consumption. At the bottom of the pyramid is rice, bread and other cereals to be eaten liberally. On the second level one finds vegetables and fruits to be eaten liberally too. Then comes fish, meat, eggs and pulses followed by milk and dairy products, all to be eaten in moderation. Fats, oils and sugar are at the apex of the pyramid and should be eaten sparingly.


  • Eat a well-balanced diet with a variety of foods at each meal.
  • Consume moderate amounts of oils and fats.
  • Limit salt intake and condiments and use only iodized salt.
  • Consume less sugar, sweets or sweetened drinks.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • Consume safe and clean foods and beverages.
  • Maintain desired body weight through a balanced food intake and regular physical activity.
  • Practise a healthy lifestyle with right cooking and healthy eating.
  • Eat additional food during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Practise exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and start adequate complementary foods in time.