Office of Sustainable Development Goals (OSG)

OSG's Mission

FAO’s Strategic Framework 2022-2031 aligns the Organization with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It provides an operational blueprint to accelerate their achievement through the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind. FAO has a longstanding record of actions that achieve results for the SDGs. Some examples of FAO’s work on SDGs can be found in our recent publication “FAO and the Sustainable Development Goals. Achieving the 2030 Agenda though empowerment of local communities.” 

To further propel the Organization's actions in implementing the 2030 Agenda, the FAO Director-General established the Office of Sustainable Development Goals (OSG), which became operational in 2021.

The Office of Sustainable Development Goals (OSG) coordinates FAO’s response to accelerating the 2030 Agenda through the sustainable transformation of agrifood systems, working closely with relevant units across the Organization. The Office supports countries and stakeholders to increase their capacity to implement the SDGs by: 

  • Capitalizing on FAO's multidimensional technical expertise, information and knowledge; 
  • Identifying innovative methods for prototyping and scaling up programmes and interventions for SDG acceleration; 
  • Communicating the Organization’s key messages on SDGs and agrifood systems with a focus on collaboration and transformative partnerships. 
    Related Links
    FAO and the Sustainable Development Goals

    Achieving the 2030 Agenda through empowerment of local communities

     Join the conversation

    Mr Stefanos Fotiou

    Director of the Office of Sustainable Development Goals

    Areas of Work
    Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk

    The FAO Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk is a gateway to FAO's knowledge, tools and expertise on the 2030 Agenda implementation. The Helpdesk provides a “one-stop-shop” for Members and stakeholders on the information and tools provided by FAO to support SDG acceleration through knowledge, empower partners to champion SDGs on the ground and implement innovative actions to transform agrifood systems, as a key entry point for achieving the ambitious goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    2030 Agenda follow-up and review

    Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and progress towards its 17 Sustainable Development Goals is monitored and reviewed under a process that includes local, national, regional and global inputs. FAO develops tools and methodologies to enable and guide FAO’s support for Members’ engagement in this review.

    SDGs and Agrifood Systems Capacity Development Programme

    OSG develops capacity-building tools to help FAO support Members in accelerating progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals. These resources ensure that FAO personnel and stakeholders stay up-to-date and well-equipped to assess SDG progress, implement acceleration strategies, and adapt the SDGs to local contexts.

    SDGs integration and acceleration portfolios

    The SDGs integration and acceleration portfolios identify and test solutions to address challenges in achieving specific SDGs. They provide support and source funding for these initiatives, to promote experimentation and to encourage the development of the innovative solutions needed to transform global agrifood systems and accelerate progress towards the SDGs.

    UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

    The FAO Office of Sustainable Development Goals supports and works with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, which is hosted by FAO on behalf of the UN System. The Hub collaborates with and draws upon wider UN system capacities to follow up on the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit and to support national progress on the Sustainable Development Goals through food systems transformations.