One Health

International Mother Earth Day

Virtual Event, 22/04/2024

One Health for a healthy Earth: A symbiotic approach for International Mother Earth Day

This International Mother Earth Day, let's celebrate the interconnectedness of all living things. The One Health approach embodies this very spirit, recognizing the profound link between the health of humans, animals, and our shared environment.

Traditionally, human health, animal health, and environmental concerns have been addressed in silos. However, the One Health approach breaks down these barriers, acknowledging that these spheres are intricately woven together.

Why is One Health important?

Our planet faces complex challenges – emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and environmental degradation. A One Health approach offers a more holistic and effective way to tackle these issues. Here's some ways how:

Combating zoonotic diseases: Many diseases, like COVID-19, are zoonotic – meaning they can jump from animals to humans. By monitoring animal health and the environment, we can identify potential outbreaks early and prevent them from spilling over to human populations.

Food safety and security: Healthy animals contribute to a safe and secure food supply. The One Health approach promotes responsible agricultural practices that minimize the use of antibiotics in animals, reducing the risk of antimicrobial resistance, a growing public health threat.

Environmental protection: A healthy environment is essential for healthy ecosystems that support all life forms. One Health encourages sustainable practices that protect biodiversity and minimize pollution, safeguarding the health of our planet for generations to come.

Fostering collaboration

The One Health approach requires collaboration across various sectors – human health professionals, veterinarians, environmental scientists, policymakers, and the public. By working together, we can share information, develop joint strategies, and implement effective solutions.

What you can do

We all have a role to play in promoting a One Health approach:

  • Support sustainable agriculture: Choose products raised with minimal antibiotic use and environmentally friendly practices.
  • Be a wise consumer: Reduce your waste and adopt eco-friendly habits.
  • Advocate for One Health: Raise awareness about the importance of this approach within your community.


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