Programme de lutte contre la trypanosomose africaine (PLTA)


Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso  
Capacity development
A stakeholders workshop will be organized by FAO and the Tsetse Control Unit in Burkina Faso (Insectarium Bobo Dioulasso - Campagne d’Eradication de la mouche Tsé-tsé et de la Trypanosomose IBD-CETT) with a focus on the national Atlas of tsetse flies and African animal trypanosomosis. Twenty-five (25) trainees will be participating, including national...
Rome, Italy 
A meeting will be organized by FAO (Programme Against African Trypanosomosis, PAAT). Over twenty (20) participants are expected to attend the meeting, including all key PAAT stakeholders and partners, i.e. the World Health Organization (WHO), International Atomic Energy Agency, the African Union, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), selected AAT...
Nairobi, Kenya  
A workshop will be organized by FAO and the Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council. Approximately twenty-five (25) participants are expected to attend it from various institutions (i.e. Directorate of Veterinary Services; International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology; International Livestock Research Institute; Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization; Kenya Wildlife Services; Kenyatta...
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
A Regional workshop will be organized by FAO/SFE and AU-PATTEC. Twenty-three (23) trainees will be participating from eight (8) different countries (Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and South Sudan).
Harare, Zimbabwe 
A training course will be organized by FAO and the Tsetse Control Unit (TCD) in Zimbabwe, Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development. Two staff from TCD will be participating as trainees, i.e. the Director and the Focal Point for the Atlas in Zimbabwe.
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