المجتمع المدني


17 Aug 2022
  If you would like to know what to do in order to request formal status, please contact us: [email protected]     International Non-Governmental Organizations with FAO Formal Status   Consultative Status 1. ACWW Associated Country Women of the World 2. CI Caritas Internationalis 3. ICA International Cooperative Alliance 4. ICC International Chamber of Commerce 5. ICW International Council of Women 6. IFRCRCS International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 7. IUF International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco & Allied Workers Associations (ex-IFPAAW) 8. WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions 9. WUCWO World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations   Specialized Consultative Status 1. ACF Action Contre la Faim International 2. AOAC Association of Official...
14 Apr 2022
The latest installment in PSUP’s partnership brief series promoting FAO’s work with CSOs highlights the engagement between FAO and the World Rural Forum in support of family farmers and specifically the initiatives of the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028.  
20 Dec 2021
In order to promote some of the work FAO has been undertaking in partnership with civil society organizations (CSOs), the CSO Partnerships team of the FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division has been putting together a small series of short publications, highlighting some of the successful collaborations of recent years. The second of the series features the partnership with the African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT)
04 Nov 2021
To promote FAO's work in partnership with civil society organizations (CSOs), PSUP has produced partnership briefs to highlight work done in recent years with some CSO partners. This specific brief highlights the work done together with IFOAM - Organics International through the Mountain Partnership, providing key facts and results of the partnership, specifically on what was achieved through the Mountain Partnership Products (MPP) Initiative.  
21 Jun 2016
A network of Civil Society Organizations around the world, with the technical support of FAO, issued this The People’s Manual on the Guidelines on Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests in an effort to further the implementation at grassroot levels of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests  (VGGT). This manual is a pedagogical and didactic guide to ease people’s understanding of the Guidelines and to provide a practical approach on how to use them. The People’s Manual is based on the precepts of popular education and was elaborated through a collective and participatory...
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