La société civile

INGOs holding Formal Status with FAO

17/08/2022 - 


If you would like to know what to do in order to request formal status, please contact us: [email protected]



International Non-Governmental Organizations with FAO Formal Status


Consultative Status

1. ACWW Associated Country Women of the World

2. CI Caritas Internationalis

3. ICA International Cooperative Alliance

4. ICC International Chamber of Commerce

5. ICW International Council of Women

6. IFRCRCS International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

7. IUF International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco & Allied Workers Associations (ex-IFPAAW)

8. WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions

9. WUCWO World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations


Specialized Consultative Status

1. ACF Action Contre la Faim International

2. AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemists

3. APIMONDIA International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations

4. BROOKE Brooke - Action for Working Horses and Donkeys

5. CEDR European Council for Rural Law

6. CI Consumers International (ex-IOCU)

7. CIAA Confederation of Food and Drink Industries of the EEC

8. CIGR International Commission of Agricultural Engineering

9. CIPAC Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council

10. CLI CropLife International (ex-GCPF & ex-GIFAP)

11. EAAP European Association for Animal Production

12. ETC Group Action Group on Erosion, Technology & Concentration (ex-RAFI)

13. GAFTA Grain and Feed Trade Association

14. IAAE International Association of Agricultural Economists

15. IAALD International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists

16. ICAR International Committee for Animal Recording

17. ICID International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage

18. ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

19. ICSU International Council for Science

20. IDF International Diary Federation

21. IFFO Marine Ingredients Organisation (ex-International Fishmeal & Fish Oil organization & ex-IFOMA)

22. IFHE International Federation for Home Economics

23. IFMA International Federation of Margarine Associations

24. IFS International Foundation for Science

25. ILSI International Life Sciences Institute

26. IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union

27. ISC International Society of Citriculture

28. ISF International Seed Federation

29. ISO International Organization for Standardisation

30. IUCN World Conservation Union

31. IUFOST International Union of Food Science and Technology

32. IUFRO International Union of Forestry Research Organizations

33. IUNS International Union of Nutritional Sciences

34. IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

35. IUSS International Union of Soil Science (ex-ISSS)

36. MIJARC International Movements of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth

37. SAVE Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe / Sauveguard pour l’Agriculture des Variétés d’Europe

38. UIS-TAACT Trade Unions International of Workers in Agriculture, Food, Commerce, Textiles and Allied Industries (exTUIFPHAI or TUIAFCTW)

39. WAAP World Association for Animal Production

40. WILPF Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

41. WOCCU World Council of Credit Unions

42. WPSA World’s Poultry Science Association

43. WVA World Veterinary Association


Liaison Status

1. AAI ActionAid International

2. AFRACA African Regional Agricultural Credit Association

3. AFS American Fisheries Society

4. ALIDE Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions

5. ANGOC Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development

6. AOCS American Oil Chemists' Society

7. APRACA Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association

8. IBPW International Federation of Business and Professional Women

9. CEFS European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers

10. CFCS Caribbean Food Crops Society

11. CIC International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation

12. CICA International Confederation for Agricultural Credit

13. CIDSE International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity

14. CLAM Liaison Committee of Mediterranean Citrus Fruit Culture

15. Compassion in World Farming

16. EFLA European Food Law Association

17. EFMA European Fertilizer Manufacturers' Association

18. ELCI ELC International

19. ETC European Tea Committee

20. EUCARPIA European Association for Research on Plant Breeding

21. FEAP Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (ex-FES)

22. FHI Food for the Hungry International

23. FPSC Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura

24. GAA Global Aquaculture Alliance Inc.

25. GREENPEACE Greenpeace International

26. HPI Heifer Project International

27. HSI Humane Society International

28. IAAS International Association for Students in Agriculture and related Sciences

29. IAW International Alliance of Women

30. IAWL International Association for Water law

31. ICCM International Council of Catholic Men

32. ICFPA International Council of Forest and Paper Association

33. ICRA International Catholic Rural Association

34. ICSF International Collective in Support of Fishworkers

35. IEC International Egg Commission

36. IETS International Embryo Transfer Society

37. IFA International Fertilizer Industry Association

38. IFAH International Federation for Animal Health

39. IFJU International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers

40. IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements

41. IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute

42. IFWLC International Federation of Women in Legal Careers

43. IIASA International Institute for Applied System Analysis

44. IIJM International Jacques Maritain Institute

45. IMPHOS World Phosphate Institute

46. IMS International Meat Secretariat

47. IOBC International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals

48. IPS International Peat Society

49. IRU International Raiffeisen Union

50. ISHS International Society for Horticultural Science

51. ISPP International Society for Plant Pathology

52. ITC International Tea Committee

53. NACEE Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe

54. Practical Action (ex-ITDG Intermediate Technology Development Group)

55. ITTTA International Technical Tropical Timber Association

56. IUBS International Union of Biological Sciences

57. IUMS International Union of Microbiological Societies

58. IUSY International Union of Socialist Youth

59. IWTO International Wool Textile Organisation

60. NATURA Network of European Agricultural (Tropically and Subtropically Oriented) Universities and Scientific Complexes Related with Agricultural Development

61. NENARACA Near East-North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association

62. PAN Pesticide Action Network

63. PFCS The Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies,

64. RI Rotary International

65. SI Soroptimist International

66. SID Society for International Development

67. SLOWFOOD International Slow Food Movement

68. UINL International Union of Latin Notaries

69. URGENCI Réseau International URGENCI

70. WAGGGS World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

71. WAP World Animal Protection (ex-WSPA World Society for the Protection of Animals)

72. WHAT World Humanity Action Trust (merged into Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future)

73. WOSM World Organization of the Scout Movement

74. WRF World Rural Forum

75. WSBI World Savings Banks Institute

76. WSRO World Sugar Research Organization