Plateforme des Connaissances Pastorales
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The aim of this joint ECOWAS Commission and Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat (SWAC/OECD) initiative is to examine how livestock rearing could stimulate the West African agricultural and food products market by strengthening food and nutritional security and by contributing to poverty reduction. 

Year of publication: 2008
Organization: Auteurs individuels 
Topic: Changement climatique, Économie, Sécurité alimentaire, Innovation, Organisation, Participation, Résilience
Language: English
Type of document: Technique, Politiques et législation
Geographical coverage: Afrique occidentale

La mobilité du bétail permet à des millions de pasteurs et d’agropasteurs de mener des existences productives dans des zones que peu d’autres producteurs peuvent exploiter. Elle est cruciale pour les moyens d’existence locaux, pour le commerce et pour faire face au changement climatique. Des efforts importants sont en cours dans plusieurs régions d’Afrique pour améliorer la mobilité du bétail et supprimer les obstacles entravant la flexibilité inhérente aux systèmes pastoraux.  Ce projet d’un an rassemble les leçons issues de ces différentes initiatives afin de mieux comprendre l’importance de la mobilité du bétail dans les zones arides. Ainsi, le projet pose les bases d’un programme de travail à plus long terme visant à faciliter la mobilité du bétail en Afrique de l’Est et de l’Ouest et à promouvoir le caractère durable des systèmes pastoraux et agropastoraux.

Year of publication: 2008
Organization: Institut international pour l'environnement et le développement (IIED),  
Topic: Services environnementaux
Language: Français
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Afrique occidentale, Afrique orientale

The sourcebook provides a knowledge repository of tested practices and innovative resource management approaches. The diverse menu of options represents the current state of the art of good land management practices. Some chapters specifically address pastoralism. This book is of interest to project managers and practitioners working to enhance land and natural resource management in developing countries. 

Year of publication: 2008
Organization: Banque mondiale 
Topic: Régime foncier
Language: English
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Global

El Encuentro Mundial de Pastores Nómadas y Trashumantes, celebrado en Segovia y Madrid del 8 al 20 de septiembre de 2007, ha permitido establecer un diálogo abierto entre representantes pastoriles de todo el planeta para la formulación de soluciones concretas a los problemas de los pueblos nómadas y trashumantes a nivel mundial.

Year of publication: 2007
Topic: Changement climatique, Services environnementaux, Services de santé, Organisation, Value addition
Language: Español
Type of document: Technique, Politiques et législation
Geographical coverage: Global

This declaration was made at the world gathering of nomadic and transhumant pastoralists in Segovia, Spain in September 2007. Two hundred nomadic and transhumant pastoralists urged governments and international organizations to recognise the importance of pastoralism and to support pastoralist communities worldwide. 

Year of publication: 2007
Organization: Commission économique pour l'Afrique 
Topic: Participation
Language: English
Type of document: Politiques et législation
Geographical coverage: Global

Niger’s experience in terms of pastoralists’ mobility and cattle circulation rights is a model and may be presented through an overview of some key relevant laws. This overview reveals that the policies boil down to a few strong principles, and Niger’s contribution to the sub-region’s recognition of the need for and usefulness of mobility (international transhumance) in the ECOWAS zone. Asserting these principles has assured pastoralists recognition of their activity, their way of life, and their specific rights across an important portion of the national territory. However, in the study area, the enforcement of texts is not beneficial to pastoralists and in a context of a strong demographic growth, recognition of their rights is made more difficult by the rush for land tenure. As a result of the loss of consideration for their way of life and the lack of recognition of their contribution to the development of pastoral areas, they are asking for the States Generals on pastoralism to be convened to allow them to contribute to the Pastoral Code in preparation.

Year of publication: 2007
Organization: Auteurs individuels, Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (IUCN) 
Topic: Conflit, Les savoirs autochtones, Innovation, Régime foncier, Organisation, Participation
Language: English
Type of document: Politiques et législation
Geographical coverage: Afrique occidentale

The study contributes to building an enabling environment for pastoral sustainable rangeland management through enhanced local-level advocacy based on sound knowledge management on the impact of current policies on pastoralism. This Sudan case study is focused on the national policy towards Traditional Livestock Migration Routes (Darfur States Case). The study evaluates the success of the intervention carried by The Administrative Committee for Routes Delineation - Darfur States (ACRD-DS) and the impact this has had on the wider pastoralist environment. It contributes to WISP’s efforts to demonstrate that, given an enabling policy environment, pastoralists can be the best custodians of the drylands environment. 

Year of publication: 2007
Organization: , Auteurs individuels, Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (IUCN) 
Topic: Organisation
Language: English
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Afrique orientale

Transhumant pastoralism is a reality in animal production systems in the Sahel and West Africa (SWA), which despite its importance, it still faces serious obstacles that threaten its potential production. This policy note aims at highlighting the best ways at international and regional levels in order to develop and implement policies and strategies aimed to support transhumant pastoralism while creating conditions for change to sedentary agro-pastoralism.

Year of publication: 2007
Organization: Auteurs individuels, Banque mondiale 
Topic: Économie, Innovation
Language: English
Type of document: Politiques et législation
Geographical coverage: Afrique du Nord, Afrique occidentale, Afrique centrale