Centro de conocimiento pastoril


Resilient livelihoods, food security and nutrition hinge on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use
Africa has a rich array of biological diversity, which is a foundation for the continent’s food, nutrition, and health; and if not conserved and sustainably used, could pose a serious risk to food security and public health. Biodiversity includes the diversity...
A diverse and interactive panel discussion at the CFS 46
Policies and legislations should support initiatives that facilitate pastoral mobility, resource access and animal welfare. This was the key message at the side-event titled “Pastoral mobility and animal welfare in a changing landscape.”FAO’s Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, The Donkey Sanctuary and...
UNCCD COP 14 Side-Event
At the recently concluded United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Conference of Parties (COP 14), a key outcome was the emphasis on placing people first. These include indigenous communities such as pastoralists, women and youth. In build-up to this...
Call for a multi-pronged and scaled-up approach to transform region
Food systems in Africa are increasingly exposed to different types of risks from recurring natural disasters to outbreak of animal and plant pests and diseases, socio-economic shocks, conflicts, or protracted crises of multiple issues, and the region must immediately utilize...

Flowing in shades of green and brown to the horizon from the curves of Kenya’s largest river as it approaches the sea, the Tana Delta is a paradise for wildlife. Home to thousands of species of birds, mammals and freshwater fish,...