Centro de conocimiento pastoril


Highlights from the panel discussion on pastoralism and conflicts at CFS43 side event
Insecure land rights, extreme weather, rising population and increasing livestock numbers are some factors that cause conflicts in pastoral areas of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. A better understanding of mobile pastoralism is key to preventing conflict. This is...
La FAO apoya la rehabilitación de las tierras de las comunidades pastoriles e indígenas de Angola
Las tres prioridades principales de la FAO para la mejora de los medios de vida en Angola son fortalecer la producción y la productividad de los pequeños agricultores para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, fortalecer la gestión sostenible...

In collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the ECOWAS Commission is holding a 5-Day regional workshop of Animal health experts, production networks, senior regional government officials and representatives of supportive international agencies. The workshop which also draws participants from...
Multi-stakeholder platform discusses how to reduce conflict
Promoting dialogue, fostering partnerships and finding solutions for the challenges that pastoralists are facing: these are the goals of the Pastoralism and Transhumance Platform, a multi-stakeholder initiative launched in March 2015 by the government of the Central African Republic. At its...

Climate-related phenomena like El Niño and La Niña, have, in the last several decades, increased both in frequency and ferocity, hitting global agriculture with a blunt and brutal force. Typically, once every ten years, El Niño events now occur in regions like East Africa every...