Lutte contre les organismes nuisibles et gestion des pesticides


For over two years, COVID-19 prevented the Pesticide Registration Toolkit training workshops being conducted in person. As the world slowly recovers from the pandemic and travel starts opening, the first “in person” Pesticide Registration Toolkit training held in Asia after the COVID 19 restrictions was...
The health of people, animals and ecosystems that underlines the One Health approach, relies on plants health. Plant-based diets, with their intake of vitamins and minerals, contribute to healthy lives for people and animals. Sustainable farming practices are the foundation for...
The trained officials join over 400 people from more than 70 countries that FAO has taught to navigate the Toolkit and use it effectively since it first went online, in 2016. For two years, COVID-19 prevented the Pesticide Registration Toolkit training workshop from taking place. Now...
The University of Cape Town (UCT) is one of the many academic institutions that collaborate with FAO, which helped design its Postgraduate Diploma in Pesticide Risk Management (DPRM). Offered by UCT since 2011, the DPRM provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to pesticide risk management and...
Everyone must work together to tackle agrochemical waste, panelists said at the third FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) seminar titled "Towards sustainable management of obsolete stocks and pesticide packaging through multi-stakeholder cooperation" that took place virtually on 18 November 2021. The virtual seminar...