Assessment methods
The assessment methods tool provides the registrar with guidance on the various methods, procedures and models that are available to evaluate specific parts of the pesticide registration dossier.
The Pesticide Registration Toolkit therefore provides, whenever possible, assessment methods at different levels of complexity, starting with relatively simple methods requiring fewer resources. As a registration authority gains over time in staff resources and (access to) scientific capacity for pesticide valuation, increasingly complex but more precise methods may be chosen.
In the Toolkit, assessment methods have been grouped under the following topics:
- Identity
- Physical & chemical properties
- Details of use & further information
- Classification, packaging & labelling
- Methods of analysis
- Impact on human health
- Residues
- Fate & behaviour in the environment
- Effects on non-target species
- Efficacy
- Overall conclusions
To select an assessment method for the specific topic that you are evaluating, click on make a selection under Assessment methods in the Toolkit menu.