Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Sustainable food and agriculture

Agriculture is feeding the world’s 7.3 billion people but at an unbearable social and environmental cost. Clayton Campanhola, Director of the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division, explains the need for sustainable food and agriculture on a global scale. He describes the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to achieve this goal. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP



Nutrition and food systems

Malnutrition affects all countries and one in three people. 800 million people are under nourished and 2 billion are affected by micro nutrient deficiencies. Boitshepo Giyose, Senior Nutrition Officer of the FAO Nutrition and Food Systems Division, explains the importance of nutrition and how it should be main streamed across all sectorial policies. She describes the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to achieve this. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP

Issue paper


Climate Change and Food Security: Risks and Responses

End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition are at the heart of the sustainable development goals. The World has committed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2030. But climate change is undermining the livelihoods and food security of the rural poor, who constitute almost 80% of the world’s poor. The effects of climate change on our ecosystems are already severe and widespread. Climate change brings a cascade of impacts from agroecosystems to livelihoods. Climate change impacts directly agroecosystems, which in turn has a potential impact on agricultural production, which drives economic and social impacts, which impact livelihoods. In other [...]



Transforming political will into concrete action for rural women’s empowerment and food security

This brochure describes FAO's area of work on on facilitating the implementation of Article 14 of CEDAW for rural women's empowerment and food security under Strategic Objective 1 implemented by the Cross Cutting Theme on Gender. The brochure contains a rational for why it is important to address gender inequalities for food security and nutrition through political commitment and by incorporating the perspective of gender equality and the empowerment of rural women in sectoral and cross-sectoral policies and strategies. It then describes what FAO can do to support its Member Countries to comply with CEDAW and thus to formulate gender-equitable [...]

Training & e-learning


Agreeing on causes of malnutrition for joint action

This 1.5-hour course guides users through the simulation of a workshop process using a methodology based on malnutrition problem-and-solution trees. It allows users to understand the multisectoral causes of malnutrition and food insecurity, and gain new facilitation skills for successful participatory workshops.  



Ghana. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

Supporting agri-food production and exports has been the leading policy since 2007, with particular emphasis on agricultural modernization and ensuring minimum prices for farmers. The government’s social policy has focused on cash transfer programmes to improve health and education, and to alleviate poverty. Following these efforts and with the support of the overall economic growth since 2005, both income and social living conditions have improved. For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.



Addressing Social and Economic Burden of Malnutrition Through Nutritionsensitive Agricultural and Food Policies in the Region of Europe and Central Asia (ECA/39/15/5)

European Commission on Agriculture. Thirty-ninth Session. Budapest, Hungary, 22 and 23 September 2015, Agenda item 6 This paper provides an updated overview of the social and economic burden of malnutrition across EuCA sub-regions and countries, and recommendations to strengthen ongoing and future work. The paper also seeks to provide ways in which governments can effectively address malnutrition and meet the ICN2 commitments, as well as broader countries’ nutrition agendas.

Case study


Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. Key Trends in the Agrifood Sector. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

The notes collected in this publication were initially disseminated at the “Private Sector Forum on Food Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region” jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in May 2015. The notes aim to inform EBRD agribusiness investments in the SEMED and disseminate knowledge on current trends in agribusiness and food security. The EBRD called upon FAO’s technical assistance to carry out an analysis of key trends in the agribusiness sector of four specific countries: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan. This process resulted in four country [...]



L'état de l’insécurité alimentaire dans le monde 2015. Objectifs internationaux 2015 de réduction de la faim: des progrès inégaux

Le rapport 2015 sur L’État de l’insécurité alimentaire dans le monde fait le point des progrès accomplis vers les objectifs de réduction de la faim définis au niveau international – le premier objectif du Millénaire pour ledéveloppement (OMD) et l’objectif du Sommet mondial de l’alimentation– et s’interroge sur ce qui doit être fait pour accompagner la transition versle nouveau programme de développement durable pour l’après-2015. On trouvera dans la présente édition une analyse des progrès accomplis depuis 1990 dans chaque pays et chaque région, et dans l’ensemble du monde. Les progrès dans la réalisation de la cible du premier objectif des [...]



Water for Food Security and Nutrition. A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. HLPE Report 9

Water is key to human life. It is key to human food security and nutrition. Safe drinking water and sanitation are fundamental to the good nutrition, health and dignity of all. How can the world ensure food and nutrition security given increasingly scarce water resources, especially in some regions, and the increasing competition for water uses?  This policy-oriented report from the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) presents a synthesis of existing evidence on the multiple relations between water and food security and nutrition, from global levels to household levels. The aim of this report, given the diversity [...]