Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Investissement responsable et la covid-19. Tenir compte des impacts, des risques et promouvoir une conduite responsable des entreprises dans les filières agricoles

La pandémie de covid-19 menace gravement la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition et a considérablement affecté les moyens de subsistance et les conditions de travail dans les filières agricoles. Ce document d'orientation se concentre sur le rôle de l'investissement responsable et de la conduite responsable des entreprises dans les filières agricoles dans le contexte de la pandémie de covid-19. Il présent des recommandations politiques aux gouvernements, aux investisseurs, aux entreprises et à la société civile sur la manière d'encourager les investissements responsables et la conduite responsable des entreprises dans l'agriculture en ces temps difficiles.Voir la liste complète des synthèses relatives [...]



Case study: the COVID-19 outbreak in Beijing’s Xinfadi Market and its impact on the food supply chain

There were seven confirmed local cases of COVID-19 in Beijing on 11 and 12 June 2020. Epidemiological investigations confirmed that all cases were related to the Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Produce Wholesale Market. The market supplies 80 percent of Beijing’s demand for agricultural products. Notably, it accounts for roughly 70 percent of Beijing’s market for vegetables. On 13 June, the Xinfadi market and some other markets with COVID-19 cases connected with Xinfadi were temporarily closed. Measures including nucleic acid testing, environment sampling, isolation of close contacts and closed management (controlled entry and exit) of the relevant communities were implemented. Meanwhile, to [...]

Case study


STOSAR - Support Towards the Operationalization of the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy project

FAO Project GCP /SFS/004/EC. The overall objective of the STOSAR project is to accelerate progress towards implementation of the SDAC regional integration, which focuses on: i. enhancing information on agricultural production, sustainability and competitiveness for evidence-based decision-making; and, ii. improving access to markets through implementation of plant and animal pest and disease control strategies at the regional level.



Assessing environmental and socio-economic potential of agri-food value chains

By analyzing agri-food value chains, policy makers and researchers are able to better understand how economic, social and environmental dimensions are intertwined. This is an important step, which allows for identification of areas for potential improvement along an agri-food value chain. EX-ACT Value Chain (EX-ACT VC) is derived from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT). The tool is based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology to account for GHG emissions of primary agricultural production, augmented with methodologies from peer reviewed literature to cover the remaining sectors and actors in [...]

Issue paper


Series: The agrifood system and the challenges of COVID-19. Traditional food supply channels in a pandemic: suggestions for their modernisation

The text provides a description, analysis and perspectives of the traditional supply and marketing channels in the face of the pandemic. It identifies its main challenges, the contingency measures adopted by governments and the channels themselves. In addition, it delves into the effects and impacts of the pandemic on these commercial circuits, workers, among others. Finally, it summarizes the innovation and adaptation measures against COVID-19 and makes suggestions for modernization. Also available in Spanish. See more COVID-19 policy resources here.

Issue paper


Coffee value chain analysis. Opportunities for youth employment in Uganda

This study aims to analyze the coffee value chain in Uganda and identify opportunities and constraints for enhancing youth employment. Coffee is one of the key agricultural commodities in the Government of Uganda’s pursuance of sustainable growth and job creation, especially for the rapidly expanding youth population. The study outlines a significant number of job opportunities for young people along this value chain, not only in production but increasingly in processing, trade and marketing, as well as service provision. It also suggests strategic upgrading options and outlines concrete policy actions to maximize youth participation in and benefits from the coffee [...]



Reconstrucción sostenible: antecedentes y acciones de recuperación pospandemia para Chile

La pandemia por COVID-19 plantea desafíos para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, el desarrollo rural enfocado en la recuperación económica y el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales. La reconstrucción económica sostenible, como respuesta a los efectos de la crisis global que amenazan con hacer retroceder el avance del desarrollo de Chile en al menos 10 años, es también una oportunidad para fortalecer la capacidad de enfrentar futuras emergencias que, como la crisis de COVID-19, afectan de forma desproporcionada a grupos vulnerables, exacerbando la desigualdad y la pobreza. La propuesta de recuperación pospandemia de la FAO para Chile apunta a [...]

Issue paper


Global and regional food availability from 2000 to 2017 – An analysis based on Supply Utilization Accounts data. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series / 20-19

One of the main pillars of food security is food supply, which refers to the availability of sufficient quantities of food of appropriate quality, supplied through domestic production or imports. In this paper, we use quantities of commercialized foods from the Supply and Utilization Accounts (SUA) compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to analyze trends in food available for consumption based on by region and country income level group. Results show that, in general, food groups available for consumption differ across income-level country groups. There are nonetheless evident regional trends. Low-income and lower-middle-income countries have [...]

Issue paper


Emerging opportunities for the application of blockchain in the agri-food industry. Revised version

Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and smart contracts provide a unique opportunity to bring greater efficiency, transparency and traceability to the exchange of value and information in the agriculture sector. By utilising digital records, cryptography and the disintermediation of transaction processing and data storage, DLTs can improve both agricultural supply chains and rural development interventions in a number of ways. The technology has the potential to simplify and integrate agricultural supply chains, enhance food safety, facilitate access to trade finance and other types of agricultural financial services, improve market transparency, provide greater legal certainty to land-tenure systems and strengthen accountability for [...]



Food Outlook – Biannual Report on Global Food Markets. November 2020

As it was projected earlier in the year, while most markets were braced for a major global economic downturn, the food sector, including markets for bananas and tropical fruits, continued to display more resilience to the Covid-19 pandemic than other sectors.This report provides supply and demand forecasts for basic foodstuffs, fish and fishery products along with price analysis, policy information and a preliminary assessment of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on trade in bananas and tropical fruits. The report’s special feature reviews recent trends in food imports bills and export earnings.Food Outlook is published by the Markets and Trade [...]