Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Issue paper


An In-Depth Review of the Evolution of Integrated Public Policies to Strengthen Family Farms in Brazil. ESA Working Paper No. 15-01

From 2003, the Zero Hunger Program and subsequently, in 2011, the Brazil Without Poverty Plan, marked a deliberate convergence of the purposes and actions focused on farmers and family farmers in Brazil. This allowed simultaneous access to social policies and polices focused on agriculture and livestock activities, through a permanent set of public policies, such as rural credit, climate and income insurance, technical assistance and commercialization. This happened in parallel to affirmative actions related to gender, ethnicity and rural youth. To deal with such complex themes such as eradicating hunger and extreme poverty, the Federal Government began to integrate traditionally [...]



Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition A Report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition June 2014. HLPE Report 7

Fish plays a key role for food security. It is a primary source of protein and essential nutrients. Fisheries, aquaculture and related activities provide income and livelihoods for numerous communities across the world, including small-scale fisheries. The growing demand for fish questions the sustainability of marine fisheries and aquaculture, now a fundamental supplier of fish. The report considers the environmental, social and economic challenges faced by all actors towards a sustainable supply of fish, sustainable livelihoods of fish-dependent communities and an equitable access to fish for the good nutrition of all populations worldwide. It presents policy-oriented analysis and recommendations addressed to governments, private sector and civil society [...]

Case study


Agricultura Familiar en América Latina y el Caribe. Recomendaciones de Política

La agricultura familiar es un sector clave para lograr la erradicación del hambre y el cambio hacia sistemas agrícolas sostenibles en América Latina y el Caribe y el mundo. Los pequeños agricultores son aliados de la seguridad alimentaria y actores protagónicos en el esfuerzo de los países por lograr un futuro sin hambre. En nuestra región, el 80% de las explotaciones pertenecen a la agricultura familiar, incluyendo a más de 60 millones de personas, convirtiéndose en la principal fuente de empleo agrícola y rural.  No sólo producen la mayor parte de los alimentos para el consumo interno de los países de [...]

Case study


Policy and Governance in Aquaculture. Lessons Learned and Way Forward. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 577

Effective governance of modern aquaculture must reconcile ecological and human well-being so that the industry is sustainable over time. Without effective governance, there will be misallocation of resources, and perhaps stagnation of the industry and irreversible environmental damage. Four principles – accountability, effectiveness and efficiency of governments, equity and predictability of the rule of law – are suggested as necessary for effective aquaculture governance. These principles should guide the administration, legislative and regulatory framework of aquaculture. In addition to governments, other stakeholders such as communities, non-governmental organizations and producers should also be involved in the governance of the industry.



Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition. A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition

Fish plays a key role for food security. It is a primary source of protein and essential nutrients. Fisheries, aquaculture and related activities provide income and livelihoods for numerous communities across the world, including small-scale fisheries. The growing demand for fish questions the sustainability of marine fisheries and aquaculture, now a fundamental supplier of fish. The report considers the environmental, social and economic challenges faced by all actors towards a sustainable supply of fish, sustainable livelihoods of fish-dependent communities and an equitable access to fish for the good nutrition of all populations worldwide. It presents policy-oriented analysis and recommendations addressed [...]



La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2014 : Ouvrir l'agriculture familiale à l'innovation

Plus de 500 millions d’exploitations agricoles familiales se répartissent la plus grande partie des terres agricoles mondiales et produisent l’essentiel des denrées alimentaires. Nous avons besoin des exploitations agricoles familiales pour parvenir à la sécurité alimentaire partout dans le monde, préserver et protéger l’environnement naturel et mettre fin à la pauvreté, à la dénutrition et à la malnutrition. Ces objectifs ne seront atteints qu’à condition que les exploitations familiales deviennent beaucoup plus productives et fonctionnent davantage dans l’optique d’un développement durable; autrement dit, il faut qu’elles s’ouvrent à l’innovation, dans le cadre d’un système qui tienne compte de leur diversité [...]



World Livestock 2013. Changing disease landscapes

The World Livestock 2013: Changing disease landscapes looks at the evidence of changing disease dynamics involving livestock and explores three key areas:  the pressure, including drivers and risk factors that contribute to disease emergence, spread and persistence; the State, describing the disease dynamics that result from the Pressure and their subsequent impact; and the Response, required both to adapt and improve the State and to mitigate the Pressure.  The report argues that a comprehens ive approach for the promotion of global health is needed to face the complexities of the changing disease landscapes,  giving greater emphasis on agro-ecological resilience, protection [...]

Case study


Trends and impacts of foreign investment in developing country agriculture

In order to acquire an in - depth understanding of potential benefits, constraints and costs of foreign investment in agriculture and of the business models that are more conducive to development, FAO has undertaken research in developing countries.  The research aims to provide better knowledge on the trends and impacts of foreign direct investment on host communities and countries, to gather evidence on inclusive business models, to identify good practices and to develop guidance for host gov ernments.  This publication summarizes the results of this research, in particular through the presentation of the main findings of case studies in nine [...]

Case study


Pakistan. Review of the Wheat Sector and Grain Storage Issues. FAO Investment Centre. Country Highlights

Wheat is of paramount importance in Pakistan, with 80 percent of farmers growing it on a total of about 9 million hectares (ha) - close to 40 percent of the country’s total cultivated land. The crop is grown by predominantly small (0.5 to 5.0 ha) and medium-sized (5 to 10 ha) farmers, whose livelihoods depend on it. Wheat yields in Pakistan remain low, lagging behind those in other countries with comparable agroclimatic conditions. The agro-ecological potential for irrigated wheat in Punjab, Pakistan’s primary production area, suggests that yields of about 6 tonnes/ha could be attained, compared with current yields of 2.5 to 3 tonnes/ha. Assuming that this potential [...]



Voluntary Standards: Impacting Smallholders’ Market Participation

Voluntary standards are rules, guidelines or characteristics about a product or a process. They are not mandatory regulations, but are used voluntarily by producers, processors, retailers and consumers. These voluntary standards are usually developed by private sector actors (e.g. firms or consortiums), representatives of civil society, or public sector agencies. Voluntary standards are part of a growing trend in global markets. As a result, FAO and member countries are being asked to respond adequately to the opportunities and challenges presented by business models that could foster both increased food security and better market access for small-scale producers. FAO reviewed the current evidence of the impact of voluntary [...]