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Financing for food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean

Hunger and malnutrition persist as challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean. There are different proposals for policies and interventions to address these problems jointly as a region and for each country. However, the proposals for policies and interventions do not include how to finance the actions needed to eliminate hunger and combat malnutrition. This document presents a first approach to the issue of the financing needed for the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms in Latin America and the Caribbean.



Сотрудничество ФАО с парламентскими сетями - Взаимодействие с парламентариями в интересах обеспечения глобальной продовольственной безопасности, улучшения качества питания и обеспечения устойчивости агропродовольственных систем

Действуя через свой Отдел партнерских отношений и сотрудничества с другими учреждениями системы ООН, ФАО работает над налаживанием партнерских отношений и более тесного взаимодействия с парламентариями, расценивая это сотрудничество как важнейший актив в деле выполнения взаимных обязательств в области продовольственной безопасности и питания, включая обеспечение права на достаточное питание.



Глобальный парламентский пакт против голода и неполноценного питания, 2023 год

Глобальный парламентский пакт по борьбе с голодом и недоеданием 2023 года является результатом второго Глобального парламентского саммита по борьбе с голодом и недоеданием, состоявшегося в Чили 15-16 июня 2023 года.



Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition – Latin America and the Caribbean 2022

Regional Overview present the regional food security and nutrition situation, including trends of undernourishment, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition, together with other indicators that could help the understanding of the causes of hunger and malnutrition. This edition offers a regional overview of the socioeconomic state of the region; national and regional data and trends regarding the costs and affordability of healthy diets; the possible drivers behind the high cost of healthy diets and their unaffordability; and introduces policies and investments around the region that aim to reduce the cost of nutritious foods and improve the affordability of healthy [...]

Issue paper


Special Report – FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

At the request of the Government of Sri Lanka, a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) took place in June and July 2022 to analyse the country’s agricultural production in 2022, particularly of the main staple cereals, and to assess households’ food security conditions. The request was prompted by expectations of a well below agricultural output in 2022, owing to the effects of the severe macroeconomic crisis, which also pushed up food prices to record or near-record levels. This caused a significant worsening of households’ food security.Last updated 12/09/2022

Issue paper


Hunger Hotspots: FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity: October 2022 to January 2023 Outlook

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) warn that acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 19 countries or situations – called hunger hotspots – during the outlook period from October 2022 to January 2023.

Issue paper


Access to food in 2021: filling data gaps. Results of twenty national surveys using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)

This report presents the results of assessments based on the food insecurity experience scale (FIES), data collected by FAO in twenty least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) between November 2021 and February 2022. For nine of the countries (including eight SIDS), it was the first time FIES data had been collected. The surveys described in the report were conducted to provide accurate and timely food insecurity assessments of the 20 countries for which food security data are scarce. The detailed results, presented at the subnational level, can support country-level decision-making and will [...]



Hunger Hotspots. FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity: June to September 2022 Outlook

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) warn that acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 20 countries or situations (including two regional clusters) – called hunger hotspots – during the outlook period from June to September 2022. Acute food insecurity globally continues to escalate. The recently published 2022 Global Report on Food Crises alerts that 193 million people were facing Crisis or worse (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification [IPC]/Cadre Harmonisé [CH] Phase 3 or above) across 53 countries or territories in 2021. This increase must be interpreted with care, [...]

Issue paper


Gobernanza de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe. Innovación e inclusión para la recuperación económica y resiliencia

Los efectos de la crisis generada por la pandemia del coronavirus siguen evolucionando y golpeando con fuerza a nuestras sociedades. En el caso de América Latina y El Caribe (ALC), la tenencia de la tierra se encuentra en el corazón de su desarrollo; este tema como ningún otro ha provocado guerras, desplazamientos, conflictos sociales, corrupción, hambre y pobreza. Particularmente, la extrema desigualdad en el acceso y control de la tierra es uno de los grandes problemas sin resolver en ALC; es al mismo tiempo causa y consecuencia de estructuras sociales enormemente polarizadas que han alimentado y siguen alimentando las crisis políticas [...]



Hunger Hotspots. FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity: February to May 2022 Outlook

Acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 20 countries or situations – hunger hotspots – in the next months. Organized violence or conflict remain the primary drivers, followed by weather extremes and climate variability. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt economies. High food prices and low household purchasing power are major economic concerns for food insecurity rising. The report provides country-specific recommendations on priorities for emergency response and anticipatory action to address existing humanitarian needs and ensure short-term protective interventions before new needs materialize.
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