Action mondiale en faveur des services de pollinisation pour une agriculture durable, lancée par la FAO

Other Initiatives

Concurrently with the international and national initiatives, there are some other ongoing projects carried out across different countries by different actors. The general purpose of these initiatives is to involve different stakeholders such as scientific and civil society actors in a general effort aimed at the conservation and sustainable management of ecosystem services handled by wild and managed pollinators.

STEP - Status and Trends of European Pollinators

The purpose of this project is to document the status and trends of pollinators, assess the importance of multiple pressures that are driving changes in pollinators and plants, quantify  the  impact  of  changes  in  pollinator  populations, evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to mitigate the impacts of changes in pollinators, improve the interface between scientists and policy makers, and develop communication and educational links and strategies.

SUPER-B – Sustainable Pollination in Europe

SUPER-B combines scientific evidence and social feedback for developing conservation strategies for pollinators. It includes three actions: 1) identify the role of insect pollination in agricultural and other ecosystems, 2) clarify best practices for mitigation of pollination loss, and 3) compare and contrast important drivers of pollinator loss.  Its results are relevant to all European countries and will be disseminated to a wide community of beneficiaries (scientists, farmers, beekeepers, industry, policy-makers, NGOs and the public).

International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships

This International Commission was founded in 1950 and its objectives are to promote and coordinate research on the relationships between plants and bees of all types, organise meetings, colloquia or symposia, and collaborate closely with national and international institutions interested in the relationship between plants and bees.

COLOSS - Prevention of Honey Bee COlony LOSSes

COLOSS is an international, non-profit research association which collects data on bees deaths in order to provide appropriate information and advice to stakeholders, including governments  and policy-makers.