
MCS training for Brazil, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago


An introductory, online workshop on effective fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing was delivered by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations this week, over three half-day sessions, from 23-25 March 2021.

The workshop brought together 200 participants from various national agencies of Brazil, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago – including fisheries, coastguard, customs, police and navy, among others. The workshop aimed to increase understanding of the key components of MCS and the essential element of national-level interagency, as well as regional-level cooperation in order to conduct MCS activities effectively to combat IUU fishing. The workshop included a significant practical component to ensure that participants had the opportunity to reflect on the role of all the different agencies in their countries’ existing MCS practices and how MCS could be strengthened.

Effective MCS is a country’s primary tool to detect IUU fishing activities at sea, on land, and throughout the supply chain, and involves gathering of information on fishing related activities, including through real-time observation, and checking and verifying this information to ensure compliance with existing management and regulatory measures.

The workshop was funded by the CLME+ Project, which is an initiative implemented by the United Nations Development Programme and co-funded by the Global Environment Facility, for which FAO is a partner responsible for implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries focusing on the Shrimp and Groundfish Fisheries of the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem. The MCS training was delivered under the framework of FAO’s Global Programme to support the implementation of the Agreement on Port State Measures and complementary international instruments to combat IUU fishing.