Réduction des émissions provenant du déboisement et de la dégradation des forêts REDD+


Aiming to address gender inequalities and strengthen women’s contributions to the planning of national climate action, Equatorial Guinea organized a national workshop with the participation of 53 women representing various sectors and social groups. Held on 5 July, the workshop complemented an ongoing participatory process to develop the country programme for the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which defines the national priorities to contribute to the global fight against climate change, and ways to translate these priorities into projects to be submitted to the GCF. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) provides technical support to the process and,...
La FAO organise une démonstration de la nouvelle version de la plateforme SEPAL (Système d'accès, de traitement et d'analyse des données d'observation de la Terre). Le webinaire est organisé en français et anglais et sera disponible en suivant ce lien: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/sepal/ En anglais – jeudi 11 juillet 2019, 14:00h CEST En français – vendredi 12 juillet, 14:00h CEST   Notre équipe à la FAO montrera les nouvelles fonctionnalités de SEPAL et passera en revue les bases de l'utilisation de la plate-forme pour créer des mosaïques optiques et radar, ainsi que la classification des images. Le webinaire comprendra une session interactive de questions-réponses avec les experts de...
Climate change experts and the global international community met in Bonn on 17 – 27 June for the 50th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 50). The yearly session aims at supporting Parties in their actions to adapt to and mitigate climate change. During SBSTA 50, Poland and Chile, the Conference of the Parties (COP) Presidencies of the 24th and the 25th session, hosted a side event dedicated to showcasing the importance of science, mobilization of expertise and cooperation for the purpose of strengthening implementation of forest-related climate actions. The side event titled “Forests for the climate:...
Since its 2008 inception, the UN-REDD Programme has evolved and shifted its focus to meet the challenges and opportunities of a modern global climate landscape. A growing number of UN-REDD partner countries are now preparing for and implementing REDD+ actions against the backdrop of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Programme has responded to this demand by turning its assistance to help partners align and achieve their climate and forest goals. As its partner countries are making the transition from REDD+ readiness to implementation, the UN-REDD Programme evaluates the progress done so...
By Serena Fortuna, REDD+ forestry officer, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and UN-REDD Programme “REDD+, forest tenure and the rights of Indigenous peoples” global knowledge component co-leader; Josep Garí, senior policy advisor, U.N. Development Programme (UNDP) Climate and Forests and UN-REDD Programme “REDD+, forest tenure and the rights of Indigenous peoples” global knowledge component co-leader; Elspeth Halverson, global project management and communications specialist, UNDP Climate & Forests; Celina (Kin Yii) Yong, UNDP UN-REDD stakeholder engagement specialist / UN-REDD Programme. Since its inception in 2008, the UN-REDD Programme (a joint initiative of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, U.N. Development Programme and UN Environment made possible through...