Право на питание в разных странах мира

  Чешская Республика

The Constitution of the Czech Republic does not explicitly guarantee the right to adequate food. 

The Czech Republic has become a State party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1993 by way of succession.


National status of international obligations

Article 10: “Promulgated treaties, to the ratification of which Parliament has given its consent and by which the Czech Republic is bound, form a part of the legal order; if a treaty provides something other than that which a statute provides, the treaty shall apply.”

Article 10a:

(1) Certain powers of Czech Republic authorities may be transferred by treaty to an international organization or institution.

(2) The ratification of a treaty under paragraph 1 requires the consent of Parliament, unless a constitutional act provides that such ratification requires the approval obtained in a referendum."

Article 49: "The assent of both chambers of Parliament is required for the ratification of treaties: a. affecting the rights or duties of persons; b. of alliance, peace, or other political nature; c. by which the Czech Republic becomes member of an international organization; d. of general economic nature; e. concerning additional matters, the regulation of which is reserved to statute.



Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1: (1) The Czech Republic is a sovereign, unitary, and democratic state governed by the rule of law, founded on respect for the rights and freedoms of man and of citizens. (2) The Czech Republic shall observe its obligations resulting from international law."

Article 26: “(3) Everybody has the right to acquire the means of her livelihood by work. The State shall provide an adequate level of material security to those citizens who are unable, through no fault of their own, to exercise this right; conditions shall be provided for by law.”

Article 30: 
(1) Citizens have the right to adequate material security in old age and during periods of work incapacity, as well as in the case of the loss of their provider.
(2) Everyone who suffers from material”


Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) – 1948

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) – 1966

Status: Succession (1993)

Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) – 1979

Status: Ratification (1993)

Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) – 1989

Status: Ratification (1993)

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) – 2006

Status: Ratification (2009)

Законодательство и политика, признающие право на достаточное питание

Рекомендации по постепенной реализации права человека на достаточное питание в контексте национальной продовольственной безопасности содержатся в Руководящие принципы в отношении права на питание, принятых Советом ФАО и одобренных Комитетом по всемирной продовольственной безопасности.

Учитывая, что право человека на достаточное питание может быть реализовано с помощью различных правовых и политических действий, приглашаем вас посетить Страновые профили ФАОЛЕКС, где представлен широкий перечень мер, принятых на национальном уровне. Некоторые из документов, которые можно найти, это законодательство и меры политики, которые затрагивают ряд соответствующих Руководящих указаний, например, о доступе к ресурсам и активам (Руководящее указание 8), безопасности пищевых продуктов и защите потребителей (Руководящее указание 9), поддержке уязвимых групп (Руководящее указание 13) и стихийных бедствий и техногенных катастроф (Руководящее указание 16).

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