The Right to Food around the Globe


The Constitution of Romania does not explicitly guarantee the right to adequate food.

Romania has become a State party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in 1974 by way of ratification.


National status of international obligations

Article 11:
(1) The Romanian State pledges to fulfil as such and in good faith its obligations as deriving from the treaties it is a party to.
(2) Treaties ratified by Parliament, according to the law, are part of national law. 

(3) If a treaty to which Romania is to become a party comprises provisions contrary to the Constitution, its ratification shall only take place after the revision of the Constitution."

Articolul 11:

"(1) Statul român se obligă să îndeplinească întocmai şi cu bună-credinţă obligaţiile ce-i revin din tratatele la care este parte.

(2) Tratatele ratificate de Parlament, potrivit legii, fac parte din dreptul intern.

(3) În cazul în care un tratat la care România urmează să devină parte cuprinde dispoziţii contrare Constituţiei, ratificarea lui poate avea loc numai după revizuirea Constituţiei."


Article 20:
(1) Constitutional provisions concerning the citizens' rights and liberties shall be interpreted and enforced in conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the convenants and other treaties Romania is a party to.
(2) In case of an inconsistency between domestic law and the international obligations resulting from the covenants and treaties on fundamental human rights to which Romania is a party, the international obligations shall take precedence, unless the Constitution or the domestic laws contain more favorable provisions.”

Articolul 20: 

"(1) Dispoziţiile constituţionale privind drepturile şi libertăţile cetăţenilor vor fi interpretate şi aplicate în concordanţă cu Declaraţia Universală a Drepturilor Omului, cu pactele şi cu celelalte tratate la care România este parte.

(2) Dacă există neconcordanţe între pactele şi tratatele privitoare la drepturile fundamentale ale omului, la care România este parte, şi legile interne, au prioritate reglementările internaţionale, cu excepţia cazului în care Constituţia sau legile interne conţin dispoziţii mai favorabile."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(3): “Romania is a democratic and social state, governed by the rule of law, in which human dignity, the citizens' rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values, in the spirit of the democratic traditions of the Romanian people and the ideals of the Revolution of December 1989, and shall be guaranteed.”

Articolul 1 (3): "România este stat de drept, democratic şi social, în care demnitatea omului, drepturile şi libertăţile cetăţenilor, libera dezvoltare a personalităţii umane, dreptatea şi pluralismul politic reprezintă valori supreme, în spiritul tradiţiilor democratice ale poporului român şi idealurilor Revoluţiei din decembrie 1989, şi sunt garantate."


Article 22 (1): "A person's right to life and to physical and mental well-being are guaranteed."

Articolul 22 (1): "Dreptul la viaţă, precum şi dreptul la integritate fizică şi psihică ale persoanei sunt garantate."


Article 47: 
(1) The State shall be bound to take measures of economic development and social protection, of a nature to ensure a decent living standard for its citizens. 
(2) Citizens have the right to pensions, paid maternity leave, medical care in public health centres, unemployment benefits, and other forms of public or private social securities, as stipulated by the law. Citizens have the right to social assistance, according to the law.”

Articolul 47:

“(1) Statul este obligat să ia măsuri de dezvoltare economică şi de protecţie socială, de natură să asigure cetăţenilor un nivel de trai decent. 
(2) Cetăţenii au dreptul la pensie, la concediu de maternitate plătit, la asistenţă medicală în unităţile sanitare de stat, la ajutor de şomaj şi la alte forme de asigurări sociale publice sau private, prevăzute de lege. Cetăţenii au dreptul şi la măsuri de asistenţă socială, potrivit legii.”


Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) – 1948

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) – 1966

Status: Ratification (1974)

Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) – 1979

Status: Ratification (1982)

Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) – 1989

Status: Ratification (1990)

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) – 2006

Status: Ratification (2011)

Legislation and policies recognizing the right to adequate food

Guidance on how to progressively realise the human right to adequate food in contexts of national food security has been provided by the Right to Food Guidelines, adopted by the FAO Council and endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security.

Considering that the human right to adequate food can be implemented through a variety of legal and policy actions, we invite you to visit the FAOLEX Country Profile database for a wide-ranging collection of measures that have been taken at national level. Some of the documents you may find are legislation and policies that touch on a number of relevant Guidelines, such as those on Access to resources and assets (Guideline 8), Food safety and consumer protection (Guideline 9), Support for vulnerable groups (Guideline 13) and Natural and human-made disasters (Guideline 16).

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