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Fighting Hunger: The Right to Food Way – Right to Food Assessment in Bhutan: Looking at policies, legal framework and institutions

Author: Sonam Tobgay, Frank Mischler, Katia Covarrubias, Alberto Zezza

Paper, 2010.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of RGoB, FAO set out to conduct a Right to Food assessment in Bhutan; over the course of nine months recent data to obtain a better understanding of the food security situation in the country was used. It then looked at the institutional, legal and policy framework. The introduction, background information about Bhutan and a summary of the essential elements of the right to food concept, is followed by an analysis of the household level food security status and its driving factors. The paper furthermore provides an analysis of the policy, institutional and legal framework relevant to food security governance and accountability mechanisms at national and sub-national levels before making recommendations at the end of the report.

Доступно на: http://www.fao.org/3/a-ap595e.pdf

Категория: Доклады
Ключевые слова: Оценка, Анализ положения в сфере продовольственной безопасности, Ситуационный анализ, Правовые аспекты, Национальное законодательство, Продовольственная безопасность и питание

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