Food waste reduction: capacity development for educators, pedagogists and operators

Conference on Education in food and environmental sustainability
20 September 2015, Italy, Milano EXPO
"Trees are alive because they make the apples, the leaves, the wind" (Camilla, 5 years old)
The message from 5-year-old Camilla opened the Conference on Education in food and environmental sustainability hosted by Reggio Children srl, Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools of Municipality of Reggio Emilia and Reggio Children – Loris Malaguzzi Center International Foundation.
The conference brought together around 120 experts in pedagogy, food, and environment. The event facilitated knowledge sharing on perspectives concerning education and capacity building for sustainability. Discussions focused on (i) food literacy for children and youth; (ii) food loss and waste impacts, prevention and reduction; (iii) plant behavior; (iv) the role of local and regional authorities in education for sustainability; and (v) the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction (SAVE FOOD)delivered a presentation on Educational opportunities on sustainability – focus on reduction of FLW.
Further resources
- Programme
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Reggio Children – International Center for the Defense and Promotion of the Rights and Potentials of All Children .
- International Laboratory for Plant Neurobiology of Florence University