Social Protection

Social protection – policies and programmes designed to reduce and prevent poverty and vulnerability – is a human right and a commitment in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is an effective policy instrument to address crises such as climate change and conflicts and their links with poverty, hunger and inequality. Many people now have access to social protection, but many more still do not. This is especially worrying in rural areas, where many poor and vulnerable people have little access to financial and social services, and informal employment is widespread. These poor and vulnerable rural households face colossal challenges in taking advantage of economic opportunities, such as those in agrifood systems.

If rural people do not have access to adequate and comprehensive social protection, they risk being left behind, blocking progress on reducing poverty and inequality.

Our impact

Thanks to FAO's work in the recent years, countries have improved the performance of social protection among rural populations.

Strengthening the climate responsiveness of the national social protection system

FAO’s support contributed to the design and implementation of the Poverty, Reforestation, Energy and Climate Change (PROEZA) project, co-funded by the Government of Paraguay and the Green Climate Fund.


Data and tools
Managing climate risks

This course shows how social protection can contribute to inclusive climate risk management strategies.

Sustaining peace

Social protection can help sustain peace by addressing conflict drivers and responding to its impacts.

Addressing food crises

Access to social protection prevents the most vulnerable from sliding deeper into poverty.

 Join the conversation

Social Protection Team
FAO Headquarters
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
[email protected]