Protection sociale


Mind the Nutrition Gap
04 November 2022
Social protection can play an important role in ensuring that poor and vulnerable...
At a global level there is increasing recognition of the role that fisheries policies and social protection can jointly play in combating poverty and hunger, whilst simultaneously...
This Diagnostic tool is complementary to the Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 671/1, titled Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies: Framework for Analysis and Action, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of...
En temps de crise, le droit à l'alimentation de millions de personnes est menacé. La faim ne cesse d'augmenter. L'étendre la protection sociale peut contribuer à nous remettre sur la voie de l'éradication de la...
Work area: Social Protection and Resilience
Country: Zambia
This is the policy brief of a paper that investigates whether an increase in exogenous income through the Child Grants model of the Social Cash Transfer programme...