Recherche et analyse socioéconomiques

Strengthening Social Protection Systems in the Caribbean to Adapt to Climate Change

The Regional Workshop "Strengthening Social Protection Systems in the Caribbean to Adapt to Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges" underscores...

Think-PA Webinar: Behind the scenes of the 'Unjust Climate'

Behind the Scenes of the "Unjust Climate" Report: A Review of the Data and Tools Used to Measure the Impacts of Climate Change on the Rural Poor, Women,...

Think-PA seminar on Well-being Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Spatial Perspective across territorial typologies

In sub-Saharan Africa, limited detailed data hinders efforts to track poverty trends spatially. Authors use the ATLAS-AI dataset to study welfare dynamics,...

Integrating Environmental and Socioeconomic Domains for Sustainability

The 4th IEO-EED Conference focused on how evaluation practice has increasingly integrated the cross-pollination of environmental, socioeconomic, and...

The Unjust Climate: Bridging the Gap for Women in Agriculture

The CSIS Global Food and Water Security Program held a discussion on Friday, March 8 at 11:00 AM EST to address the unequal impacts of climate change...

Why rural women pay the highest price of the climate crisis - Podcast

Climate change disproportionately impacts women farmers in low- and middle-income countries, causing billions of dollars of losses among female-headed...

The unjust climate - Video

The unequal impacts of climate change on countries, communities, and individuals undeniably pose a critical global challenge. Despite contributing minimally...

Tackling the gender gap is crucial to fight food insecurity and the climate crisis

The groundbreaking FAO report “The Unjust Climate: Measuring the impacts of climate change on the rural poor, women and youth” shows that climate change...

Launch of The Unjust Climate Report

Watch the launch of the new @FAO report

Tribute to Noemi Pace

December 27, 1980 - September 25, 2023

Collecte de données à mi-parcours dans le cadre de l'évaluation de l'impact du projet RAVES en Ouganda

En mai, la FAO (Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture) a procédé à la collecte de données à mi-parcours pour l'évaluation...

Atelier sur l'évaluation de l'impact en temps réel de l'apprentissage (LORTA)

La FAO a récemment apporté son expertise au programme LORTA (Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment) de l'Unité d'évaluation indépendante du...

GeoField Convening: Leveraging Earth Observation for Impact Evaluations of Climate-Sensitive Agriculture

September 12-14, 2023, experience the GeoField Convening. This event, featuring in-person and hybrid participation, delves into geospatial data visualization,...

Changement climatique et l'innovation pour des systèmes agroalimentaires durables

La FAO a participé à l'atelier "Working & Networking on Climate Change and Innovation for Sustainable Agrifood Systems". Il était organisé par le...

Renforcer les capacités de résilience : Évaluation de l'impact du projet de la FAO sur l'action climatique en Afrique subsaharienne

L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a lancé le projet quadriennal "Promouvoir la cohérence entre la réduction...

Promouvoir l'équité et la résilience : Les transferts monétaires : des preuves pour l'action dans un monde polycrissique

Le 10e atelier du Transfer Project s'est tenu à Nairobi, au Kenya, du 21 au 23 juin 2023. Cette plateforme dynamique a permis aux représentants des...

Should climate funds be used for social security?

If financial assistance to address climate change is used more for the social protection of rural communities, it will facilitate more equitable adaptation...

COP 26 - Climate change and adoption of adaptation options: measuring, generating evidence and drivers

The event presented and debated concrete options and examples on what practical implementation means in terms of adoptions of adaptation options, of...

COP26 - An Inter-generational Conversation Among Women and Youth in the Climate Change & Agriculture Arena

This moderated session featured 3 generations of women involved in the Climate Change arena through an agricultural lens. They addressed the gaps...

Training material
Collecte de données à Isiolo, Kenya

En collaboration avec la FAO Kenya, le siège de la FAO a organisé une formation d'enquêteurs pour la collecte de données à Isiolo, au Kenya.