بوابة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للتعاون بين بلدان الجنوب

Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)

Fidel Oteíza 1956, Piso 12, Comuna de Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Phone number(s)
+56 2 25771000
Areas of expertise
الزراعة, الصناعات الزراعية/ نظم ما بعد الحصاد, الإنتاج الحيواني, البيئة وتغيُّر المناخ والطاقة الحيوية, إنتاج النباتات وحمايتها, الموارد المائية وإدارتها, الزراعة الأسرية, الموارد الوراثية
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies




Institution focusing on research and agircultural technology transfer



Main activities

Agricultural research and technology transfer



Research and Technology Transfer Programs in the following areas: Crops, Genetic Resources, Vegetables, Fruit Trees, Livestock Systems, Sustainability and the Environment, Healthy and Functional Food.


Other complementary competences

Development of technological inputs; Intellectual Property and Licensing; Technological services

Summary of the activities during the last two years

INIA in 2015/2016 implemented 437 projects, of which 59 are related to the strategic lines of Climate Change and Water Management; 78 with Sustainable Agriculture; 87 with Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement, 24 with Healthy and Functional Foods and 183 with Technological Transfer and Extension. They are joined by 6 other projects related to institutional management, which accounts for a large volume of actions, to the benefit of the national agri-food sector.

In genetic improvement, one of the strengths of INIA, to date have generated more than 270 plant varieties, being national leader in this matter.

In order to demonstrate the potential of this work, we have calculated that, considering only the main INIA varieties of wheat, potatoes, rice and beans, which are present in the national market, INIA allows businesses to be generated each year for more than US $ 1,170 million

In fruit trees INIA is working to release the first Chilean apple varieties with the Cherry and Fruit Technological Consortium next to the Biofrutales Consortium. With this same consortium the Inia grape-one, table grape variety was developed, which last year achieved the first million dollars in exports with more than 50,000 boxes sent to different destinations. We are also working to develop new varieties of crops and fodder that adapt to climate change, high temperatures and resist the attack of diseases and pests.

In relation to Healthy and Functional Foods, INIA has positioned itself as a leader in the development of new healthy foods such as the first 100% whole white bread. The best olive oil in the Southern Hemisphere in the Huasco Valley. The first non-alcoholic wine with the Loncomilla Cooperative and the support of FIA. A variety of oats with 20% more beta glucan, a compound that helps control glycemia and cholesterol and studies for the development of natural colorant from potatoes and sweet potatoes, among many other projects and innovative products.

In terms of international relationships, agreements have been established with centers of excellence such as UC Davis Chile and the CSIRO Foundation of Australia, in addition to North Dakota State University of the United States, IRTA of Spain, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences of Finland and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) of China, among others. At the Latin American level, links with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and Latin America have been strengthened through PROCISUR and FONTAGRO, organizations of which the National Director of INIA of Chile is currently president and vice president, respectively.

Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions

The Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) is a private non-profit corporation that is part of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture. It is financed mainly through public funds, by direct transfer from the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition to competitive research projects, private projects and transfer and marketing of technological inputs.

The mission of the Institute is to generate and transfer strategic knowledge and technologies on a global scale, to produce innovation and improve the competitiveness of the agri-food sector.

Potential activities through SSC

Potential modalities

Cooperation agreements


Potential activities

specific projects in networks, on-site and on-line training courses, seminars, consultancies.

Name and details of the head of the institution

[National Director]: Julio Kalazich Barassi

Tel: +56 2 25771060

e-mail: [email protected]

Focal points

[Head of International Affaires]: Emilio Ruz

Tel: +56 2 25771061

Electronic mail: [email protected]

List of experts


Position: Coordinator of the National Food and Vegetable program

Department:  La Platina

Focus Area: Research

Status: Profesional

E-Mail: [email protected]



Position: Coordinator of the National Program for genetic resources and crops.

Department: Carillanca

Focus Area: Genetic Improvement

Status: Profesional

E-Mail: [email protected]



Position: Coordinator of the national animal production program

Department: Tamel Aike

Focus Area: Research

Status: Profesional

E-Mail: [email protected]



Position:  Coordinator of the national food program

Department: La Platina

Focus Area: Research

Status: Profesional

E-Mail : [email protected]



Position: Coordinator of the national technology transfer program

Department: La Platina

Focus Area: Horticulture

Status: Profesional

E-Mail : [email protected]



Position: Coordinator of the national sustainability and environment program

Department: La Cruz

Focus Area : Research

Status: Profesional

E-Mail : [email protected]



Position: National head of intellectual property and licensing 

Department: Dirección Nacional

Focus Area : Research

Status  Profesional

E-Mail : [email protected]