بوابة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للتعاون بين بلدان الجنوب

National Agricultural Research Institute - INIA

Andes 1365 - piso 12 CP. 11100 Montevideo - Uruguay
Phone number(s)
+598 2902 0550
Areas of expertise
اقتصادات الزراعة؛, البحوث والإرشاد في مجال الزراعة, التكنولوجيا الزراعية والمكننة, سلامة الأغذية/ جودة الأغذية والمواصفات الغذائية, البذور, معلومات عن الثروة الحيوانية, إنتاج النباتات وحمايتها, علوم التربة وتغذية النباتات, الزراعة الأسرية, الموارد الوراثية, تنمية القدرات
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies

INIA does research on new production processes and forms in the agricultural activities in Uruguay, and provides guidelines to producers regarding the application of technology. Through its research activities, INIA seeks to improve the traits of agro-industrial products and enhance production systems in order to increase competitiveness.

Summary of the activities during the last two years

A) Formulation and implementation of the agriculture research programs aiming at the generation and adequation of technologies according to the needs of the country and to the socio-economic situation of agriculture and livestock production.

B) Participation in the development of  scientific and technological wealth at a national level, both in the agriculture and livestock sectors, through their own activity or even through an efficient coordination with other transference and research programs for technology research and transfer which are being carried out at both public and private levels.

C) Articulation of effective generated technology transfer, with the organizations of technical assistance and extension that work at both public and private levels. 

Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions

The National Agricultural Research Institute is created in 1989 by a National Act  as a public non-governmental legal entity , managed and financed by public and private sectors jointly.

Potential activities through SSC

Potential modalities: Research, Consultancy, Training, Laboratory Analysis

Fields of activities: Animal Production, Field Crops, Horticulture, Forestry, Biotechnology, Organization and Institutional Management.

Name and details of the head of the institution
Focal points
  • Fabio Montossi, National Director, Tel: 2902 0550, Email: [email protected]
  • Verónica Musselli, Chief of the Research and International Cooperation Unit, Telephone: 2902 0550, Email: [email protected]