بوابة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للتعاون بين بلدان الجنوب


Av. La Molina 1981 - La Molina. Lima. Perú
Phone number(s)
Areas of expertise
البحوث والإرشاد في مجال الزراعة, فلاحة الحدائق بغرض السويق, الإنتاج الحيواني
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies
  • The National Institute of Agricultural Innovation - INIA is a part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, responsible for designing and implementing the national strategy of agricultural innovation public body
  • Main activities: research, technical assistance, South American camelids, guinea pig breeding, Forestry Research, potato production, Andean crops
  • Competencies: Scientific Research and Technical Assistance
Summary of the activities during the last two years

Provision / supply expertise / knowledge exchange to other countries or institutions:

  • Oriented professional producers, students and: camels - Reproductive Biotechnology at different levels
  • Production genetic basis of guinea pigs of races and high production lines
  • Rehabilitation of degraded areas through agroforestry systems in the Amazon
  • Research methodology in family characterization of oil palm nucleus with genetic potential for selection of promising material for formation of hybrids through interbreeding and retro crosses
  • Production of pre basic potato seed of high genetic quality of improved varieties and native
  • Training and technical assistance in production technologies Andean crops

Type of contribution (material / services / training to other countries or institutions):

  • Oriented professional producers, students and: camels - • Reproductive Biotechnology at different levels
  • Production genetic basis of guinea pigs of races and high production lines
  • Rehabilitation of degraded areas through agroforestry systems in the Amazon
  • Research methodology in family characterization of oil palm nucleus with genetic potential for selection of promising material for formation of hybrids through interbreeding and retro crosses
  • Production of pre basic potato seed of high genetic quality of improved varieties and native
  • Training and technical assistance in production technologies Andean crops

Collaboration with FAO and other institutions and organizations

Dissemination of knowledge: conferences, meetings and publications: workshops, publications and events

Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions
  • Legal status, particularly with the government – Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture
  • Arrangements with the Government - Public Agency
Potential activities through SSC
  • Potential modalities: In-service training and courses, technical assistance, distribution of players at national and international level, consulting level production infrastructure, sending experts abroad
  • Potential activities: In-service training and courses, technical assistance, distribution of players at national and international level, consulting level production infrastructure, sending experts abroad
Name and details of the head of the institution
  • Jefe del INIA, Dr. Alberto Dante Maurer Fossa
  • Tel: (51-1) 349-2600 anexo 250
  • Email: [email protected]
Focal points
  • Jefe del PNIA Cultivos Andinos, Ing. Rigoberto Estrada Zúñiga
  • Tel: +(51-084) 232871
  • Email: [email protected]