Centre d'investissement de la FAO
(C) EBRD/Dermot Doorly
Investment Opportunities for Tunisian Olive Oil to branch into international export markets
The world’s agrifood systems need to become greener, more efficient and more resilient to climate change. Transforming them by 2030...
FAO/ Caroline Debroissia
On a five-day tour from 18-24 October, twelve Jordanian delegates travelled to different Italian regions to explore how to best...
UNCTAD/Division on Investment and Enterprise
Innovative financial solutions aimed at reshaping sustainable agrifood systems and closing funding gaps took centre stage during a discussion session...
FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
Une délégation d'une vingtaine d'importateurs de fruits et légumes d'Europe centrale et orientale s'est rendue au Maroc cet automne,...
51st session Committee on World Food Security October 2023.