Centre d'investissement de la FAO
©FAO/Luis Tato
The FAO Investment Centre has supported the formulation and development of the new Joint Rome Based Agency (RBAs) project in...
Adam Jones, Ph.D. via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Le 28 janvier dernier, vingt-huit (28) producteurs et opérateurs marocains de fruits et légumes ont rencontré des représentants des trois...
©FAO/AFP/Oliver Bunic / FAO
International experts share secrets to irrigation success
©FAO/Seyllou Diallo
Gum arabic brings local communities of smallholder farmers in Kordofan, Sudan, up to 38% of their annual income. They share...
: ©FAO
Tunisia has taken steps in recent years to increase the competitiveness and recognition of its olive oils – an important...