Инвестиционный центр ФАО
Morocco has taken steps in recent years to raise the profile of its olive oils – both at home and...
©FAO/Monica Romanelli
A group of Palestinian and Jordanian olive producers and government representatives visited Apulia, Italy's leading olive oil producing region, to...
Предприятия мясомолочной отрасли Центральной Азии, особенно небольшие, переживают многочисленные потрясения – от войны на Украине до засухи и затяжных последствий...
Exploring the latest investment solutions food security and climate resilience
FAO/Cecilia Calatrava
Exploring Georgia’s gastronomy offers tourists unique insights into the country and its culture. Enriching tourists’ experiences also has the potential to...
©FAO/John Preissing
FAO Investment Centre Deputy Director John Preissing reflects on his 15-year career at FAO as well his 25 additional work...