Инвестиционный центр ФАО
African swine fever, an infectious viral and highly lethal disease that kills pigs and wild boar, first appeared in the...
Предприятия мясомолочной отрасли Центральной Азии, особенно небольшие, переживают многочисленные потрясения – от войны на Украине до засухи и затяжных последствий...
FAO/Cecilia Calatrava
Exploring Georgia’s gastronomy offers tourists unique insights into the country and its culture. Enriching tourists’ experiences also has the potential to...
 © FAO/Gent Skhullaku
A new World Bank project plans to make locally grown produce more readily available in Albania via micro food hubs...
©Marijan Močivnik, Studio Ajd
A regional wine symposium is helping build agrifood system resilience and diversify export markets.
©FAO/David Khelashvili
How women veterinarians are bolstering traceability and food safety in Georgia