
Clayton Campanhola, Leader of FAO’s Strategic Programme on Sustainable Agriculture, describes the ways that governments, consumers, researchers, academics, practitioners, producers and donor organizations and institutions can enhance the implementation of agroecological approaches.

Lydia Kamba, from Kabiru village, Turima Tweru, Ngondi, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya, started practicing conservation agriculture in 2015. Increased incomes from agriculture activities have helped building their house and paying school fees.Since the start of the FAO program in 2015 in Kenya, more than 26,000 farmers adopted conservation agriculture in the eight counties; 3,500 of them have now market linkages with contracts and are developing cottage industries.

Since the start of the FAO program in 2015 in Kenya, more than 26,000 farmers adopted conservation agriculture in the eight counties; 3,500 of them have now market linkages with contracts and are developing cottage industries.

The video describes the threat represented by the Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) or Sheep and Goat Plague to food security, livelihoods and economic prospects in affected counties, and the risk of a further spreading of PPR. It also outlines the Global Eradication Programme (GEP) of PPR by FAO and OIE. Engaging in this Programme partners can be become part of history by eradicating a deadly disease, while making a vital contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Interview with Clayton Campanhola, FAO Strategic Program Leader at the FAO regional workshop