Mecanización Agrícola Sostenible
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The manual work carried out by farmers and their families is often both arduous and time consuming and in many countries this is a major constraint to increasing agricultural production. Such day to day drudgery is a major contributory factor...
This book gives a wide-ranging perspective on the present state of mechanization in the developing world and, as such, constitutes a solid platform on which to build strategies for a sustainable future. Farm mechanization forms an integral plank in the...
The issue of investments in agricultural mechanization in Africa and others were addressed at a three-day Round Table Meeting of experts that was convened in Arusha, Tanzania, in June 2009, with the intention of providing guidance on the key...
Experience has shown that a basic prerequisite for successful mechanization of the agricultural sector requires a well-functioning supply chain. To draw lessons for achieving this goal, three studies were conducted in Kenya, Pakistan and Brazil. The information contained in them has...
Esta publicación es parte de la serie de Gestión Integrada de Cultivos (Integrated Crop Management series), y se centra en la mecanización agrícola, las oportunidades proporcionadas por la mecanización para intensificar la producción de una manera sostenible, dar valor añadido,...
Los resultados del congreso, en cierta medida, reflejan la nueva filosofía y enfoque del programa de Infraestructura Rural y Agroindustrias de la FAO cuyos puntos fundamentales se encuentran en el Capítulo 1 de este documento. La contribución de los autores así...
This manual, provides an overview of options for farm power and technologies that could be suitable for small and medium-sized farmers who are faced with making decisions about the different types of farm power sources available. The manual also lays...
This report is the most detailed yet of the work being carried out on this issue and examines the farm-level development of the availability of human power, draught animals and motorized power. Although the availability of these sources of power...
Rural people depend heavily upon agriculture either as farmers, casual labourers, workers in agro-based industries, traders in agricultural produce or as hire service providers. Hire services, be they rental, custom or leasing services, can commonly be found in many countries...
This publication is intended to raise awareness on how farmers can create a business by providing traction and transport services. It outlines the range of services that can be provided and how these services can be organized, managed and marketed....
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