Training workshop on monitoring and reporting of SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Iraq
(Iraq), 21/10/2024 - 23/10/2024
FAO conducted a Training workshop on monitoring and reporting of SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Iraq, from 21 to 23 October 2024.
As the custodian agency of SDG Indicators 6.4.1 (change in water use efficiency over time) and 6.4.2 (level of water stress), FAO assists countries in monitoring and achieving the SDG 6.4 targets related to water use and scarcity.
The workshop was supported by the FAO office in Iraq, the AQUASTAT programme, which leads the monitoring of SDG 6.4 targets, and the “Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6)” coordinated by UN-Water and implemented by FAO and other UN agencies.
The workshop aimed to train participants on the calculation methodology, reporting, and monitoring process of SDG 6.4 indicators, specifically SDG 6.4.1 on water use efficiency and SDG 6.4.2 on the level of water stress. The specific objectives of the workshop were:
- Improving the understanding of the methodologies for the computation of the indicators of the SDG target 6.4.
- Describing the SDG 6.4 data collection, monitoring and reporting process of FAO through the AQUASTAT information system.
- Presenting the tools made available by AQUASTAT and IMI-SDG6 to support countries in the monitoring the SDG indicators, particularly for target 6.4.
- Strengthening the engagement and collaboration among national institutions on the monitoring and global reporting of SDG 6.4 and water data collection.
- Discussing the institutional arrangements needed for the implementation of the SDG 6.4 target monitoring system.
- Defining the steps to be undertaken to improve the quality, quantity and timing of the data collected and reported by Iraq.
- Promoting a cross-sectoral dialogue at national level to improve the monitoring, reporting and dissemination of SDG 6.4
- A better understanding of the SDG framework and reporting process.
- Improved knowledge of methodologies for the calculation of indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2.
- Improved understanding of SDG 6.4 indicators and their potential use in policies or water strategies.
- An analysis of the data collection mechanisms, related data management and use at the country level made.
- Ideas for the continuous improvement of the collection of water data and the calculation of the indicators, including disaggregation and gender contextualization. This may include plans for a national capacity development activity (workshops, expert meetings) to be carried out after the workshop.
The workshop was attended by 20 public officials from the relevant ministries: Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the Ministry of Environment (MoE), the Authority of Statistics & Geographic Information Systems (AS&GIS) of the Ministry of Planning (MoP), the Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (MoA&WR-IKR), and the Kurdistan Region Statistical Office (KRSO) who are involved in the production, monitoring, or use of water-related data.