SDG Indicators Data Portal

SDG 06 - Clean Water and Sanitation
Indicator 6.4.1 - Change in water use efficiency over time

Water Use Efficiency (WUE) at national level is the sum of the efficiencies in the major economic sectors weighted according to the proportion of water withdrawn by each sector over the total withdrawals. The indicator measures changes in WUE and has been designed to address the economic component of SDG Target 6.4.

Target 6.4

By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.

Indicator 6.4.1: Progress Assessment

This indicator will improve knowledge on the efficiency and sustainability of water usage. Together with indicator 6.4.2, it will provide vital information to ensure that water resources support the world's ecosystems and continue to be available for future generations.

Key results

After a steady and gradual increase from 2015 to 2019, water-use efficiency experienced a decline from 2019 to 2020 worldwide

Water use efficiency (WUE) rose from USD 17.4/m3 in 2015 to USD 18.9/m3 in 2020 worldwide. However, this is a slight decline from the previous year, when WUE peaked at 19.4 percent. In 2020, WUE estimates ranged from below USD 3/m3 in economies that depend largely on agriculture to over USD 50/m3 in highly industrialized, service-based economies. This suggests that a country’s economic structure has a direct link to its overall water use efficiency levels. Around 57 percent of countries presented a water use efficiency equivalent to USD 20/m3 or less in 2020, compared to 58 percent in 2015. However, global values hide regional differences. Central and Southern Asia, Eastern Asia and South-eastern Asia and Oceania show the highest growth rates in WUE from 2015 to 2020, while Latin America and the Caribbean shows a decrease.

SDG Indicator 6.4.1 - Change in water-use efficiency over time

The course provides guidance on the rationale and the main characteristics of 


SDG 6 – Indicators of water use efficiency and water stress

An overview of SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2, measuring water use efficiency and water stress.


Capacity development

Dhaka (Bangladesh)

Monitoring water-use efficiency and level of water stress in Bangladesh

Strengthening capacity of country institutions to monitor and report on SDG 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 indicators


Training workshop on monitoring and reporting of SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Iraq
21/10/2024 - 23/10/2024

FAO conducted a Training workshop on monitoring and reporting of SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Iraq, from 21 to 23 October 2024.

Dhaka (Bangladesh)

Strengthening capacity on SDG 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 indicators in El Salvador
09/10/2024 - 11/10/2024

Monitoring water-use efficiency and level of water stress to inform policy

Gender contextualization of SDG 6 in Senegal: finalization workshop (Dakar, Senegal)
22/04/2024 - 24/04/2024

The finalization workshop of the Gender contextualization of SDG 6 in Senegal in Dakar from Monday 22 to Wednesday 24 April 2024. The workshop...

Multi-stakeholder workshop: Monitoring and Reporting of SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in the Near East and North Africa region
13/12/2023 - 14/12/2023

FAO is hosting a multi-stakeholder workshop on SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in the Near East and North Africa region.

Regional workshop on SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Latin America and the Caribbean
29/11/2023 - 01/12/2023

FAO is hosting a regional workshop on SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Latin America and the Caribbean on November 29 and 30, and December...

SDG 6 gender contextualization: country consultation webinars (EN, FR, SP)
14/11/2023 - 16/11/2023

Webinars for promoting gender contextualization of the SDG 6 global Indicators

Monitoring and Reporting of SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) - Cabo Verde
18/07/2023 - 20/07/2023

FAO organized a workshop on SDG 6.4 target (water use and scarcity) in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries...

Hybrid Event

Interactive regional training course on SDG 6.4 indicators (in Portuguese)
21/06/2022 - 30/06/2022

FAO Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6), in collaboration with AQUASTAT and the Office of the Chief Statistician, organized a regional...

Virtual Event

What are the latest global data on water-use efficiency and water stress?
22/09/2021 - 30/09/2021

FAO held webinars in various languages from September 22nd to September 30th 2021 to present the most recent progress and acceleration needs to...

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Workshop on SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 for Eastern Africa
15/10/2019 - 18/10/2019

The goal of this workshop organized by FAO was to bring together technical experts and statisticians to help with the methodology work for SDG Indicators...

Almaty (Kazakhstan)

Workshop on SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 for Central Asia

The goal of this workshop organized by FAO was to bring together technical experts and statisticians to help with the methodology work for SDG Indicators...