Centre d’assistance sur les objectifs de développement durable

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Restez au courant des dernières actualités et perspectives sur les tendances émergentes ainsi que des initiatives menées par la FAO pour appuyer la mise en œuvre des ODD aux niveaux local, national, régional et mondial.


On 10 July, FAO, DESA and the European Union convened a side event at the UN Headquarters in New York,  “Uniting Forces: Integrating Science, Policy and Society to Achieve Zero Hunger" help in UNHQ.

A two-day UN Expert Group Meeting (EGM) was held at FAO headquarters in Rome Italy from 26-27 March, organized by FAO, in collaboration with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), convening over 40 experts from around the world, to assess global progress towards targets under Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2) and strategize recommendations to accelerate action to meet these objectives.

FREETOWN, 6th May 2024

The HASTEN Project, a joint initiative between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Governments of Rwanda, Lesotho, and Sierra Leone, em...


MASERU, 18th June 2024 

The HASTEN Project, a joint initiative between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Governments of Rwanda, Lesotho and Sierra Leone, empowers young leaders to drive agrifood system transformations. With it...


Kigali, 9th May 2024

The HASTEN Project, a joint initiative between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Governments of Rwanda, Lesotho, an...


Insights from the FAO Agrifood Innovation Finance Debate 

The Agrifood Innovation Finance Debate provided a dynamic platform for small and medium-sized agrifood enterprises (SMEs) and investors to explore diverse perspectives on the financing obstacles and opportunities, with a particular focus on Africa and Asia. 


Participate in our online call for stakeholders to share examples of governance-related measures and interventions with transformative impact for agrifood systems. 

The 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum, held on 30 January, included a dedicated SDG Action Segment for Goal 2, co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the UN Major Group for Science and Technology, and the UN Major Group for Children and Youth. With the aim of providing inputs into the High-level Political Forum, which is this year conducting an in-depth review of SDG 2, the Segment shared good practices and innovative strategies to strengthen and facilitate meaningful multi-stakeholder partnerships to support agrifood systems transformation. 
The Office of Sustainable Development Goals (OSG) is pleased to share the 2nd edition of FAO and the 2030 Agenda follow-up and review: Guidance note for Regional and Country Offices. Featuring country examples and extracts from global voluntary national review (VNR) reports, this guidance note details the VNR process and elaborates on the importance of leveraging agrifood systems transformations as a key accelerator for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Director-General QU Dongyu will lead FAO delegation at the global event in Dubai, where the Organization will launch a series of reports and co-host the Food and Agriculture Pavilion


Innovators from the FAO SDG Agrifood Accelerator Programme have been shining a spotlight on their pioneering enterprises at numerous high-level events over the last number of months, including at the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2) and the 2023 World Food Forum, highlighting the vital role SMEs play in catalyzing effective food system transformation while simultaneously accelerating SDG implementation at local levels.

La table ronde vaticane des agriculteurs africains a fourni aux agriculteurs d’Afrique subsaharienne l’occasion d’introduire leurs points de vue propres et leurs expériences concrètes au cœur des débats mondiaux sur le développement de l’agriculture.
Du 16 au 20 octobre, la FAO accueillera à son siège de Rome des responsables mondiaux, des experts, des acteurs du changement, des jeunes et des défenseurs des droits des peuples autochtones pour œuvrer en faveur un avenir durable.

The recent SDG Summit held in New York on September 18-19, 2023, has once again demonstrated the world's commitment to the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite the challenges and setbacks over the last number of years, the adoption by consensus of the negotiated Political Declaration, which was subsequently endorsed by the UN General Assembly, reaffirms the SDGs as our primary roadmap for achieving sustainable development and addressing the multifaceted crises of our time.

Opinion article by Stefanos Fotiou, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development Goals in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Lors d’une rencontre de haut niveau qui s’est tenue en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, le Directeur général de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), M. Qu Dongyu, a appelé à un engagement politique et à une solidarité plus fermes en faveur de la transformation des systèmes agroalimentaires et de la concrétisation des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD).
Le Directeur général, M. Qu Dongyu, présente l’initiative à fort impact dirigée par la FAO consacrée à la transformation des systèmes alimentaires; la FAO codirige et appuie d’autres initiatives portant sur la nature, la protection sociale et la transposition des efforts à l’échelon local.

Let us seize this opportunity of the 2023 SDG Summit to safeguard the 2030 Agenda and build a sustainable future that leaves no one behind.

Opinion article by Stefanos Fotiou, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development Goals in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Un inquiétant rapport de la FAO donne matière à réflexion aux dirigeants de la planète, juste avant le prochain Sommet des Nations Unies sur les ODD à New York

Revisit the key inputs, discussions and outcomes of UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment, which took place at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, from 24 - 26 July 2023. This global event served as a worldwide stocktaking meeting to review progress in implementing food systems transformations and its contributions to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. 

Les dernières études montrent qu’environ 735 millions de personnes souffrent actuellement de la faim, contre 613 millions en 2019.